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Everything posted by BeardedBassGuy

  1. Yeah im with you on nothing over 7 ft, even with my 7 ft im still slapping the water occasionally. Iv seen posts about the jason Christie cara series rod, but i believe thats a higher price point rod. Haven't heard too much about the jason Christie signature series, which is what im thinking about.
  2. Just wondering if anyone has used the falcon Jason Christie series ($99) 6 11 for frogging. Im looking for a shorter frog rod 7 ft or less around the same price point. I fish out of a small jon boat and a shorter rod is much easier to walk a frog with in open water for me. Thanks
  3. Alright thanks, appreciate the answer I'll have to look into that.
  4. I have no idea about the inline fuse or circuit breaker. What do they normally go for, and how do you install it?
  5. Yeah not sure if I would either. What did you get to replace that?
  6. Yeah that's what is is, an everstart. The TM is connected right to the battery. Just a little 10 ft jon,
  7. Yeah I couldn't either. I brought it back to Walmart where I bought it a few months ago and they exchanged it for me. Hopefully this one won't have that problem Yeah I brought it back to Wally and they exchanged it no problem
  8. **CORRECTION** ITS not the terminals but the post that you connect to tm to.
  9. Oh wow wouldn't want to cause a fire. Are you talking about the internal connection from the TM?
  10. So today when I got back to the launch I noticed that the connectors from my tm to the battery were very hot. I looked it up and says bad connection, but that's not the question. You can see where the plastic actually started right above the date sticker melting and the whole connecting post actually looks that it got so hot it slightly started sinking into the plastic. I'm planning on picking up a new tm, but do you guys think the battery is still safe to use without being potentially dangerous seeing it has sulphuric acid in it. Thanks , Joe * tried to add pictures not working now will try later
  11. I'm out in Manchester these days. Doesn't seem to be to much water close by. But it's also not to far Bridgton
  12. I picked up the sticker today but can't find anywhere where it says to place it. There was a link online but then when I clicked it it said that there was an error and the page couldn't be found. Anybody on here know what the sticker placement is for the lake and river protection sticker?
  13. Alright thanks for the update. The sticker is what some other people told me as well
  14. Awesome thanks a bunch Great thank you very much
  15. So I'm going on vacation to Maine this year, and I've heard if you're boat is registered out of state ( NH for me) that you have to register it in the state of Maine. Can't find much info on this, can anyone clear this up for me? Thanks, Joe
  16. I have a 6'6" medium Berkley lightning rod ( not shock series ) that I believe is good for the price tag of $40 bucks. They make them in 6' and 6'6" medium light in 1 and 2 piece, I would suggest checking them out.
  17. Not exactly sure what color mine are called there more like a clearish black color. Maybe dark Amber?
  18. I usually use gammy 4/0 offset worm hook, I don't see the need for the ewg since there isn't much plastic that the hook needs to go through. Personal preference
  19. One of my buddies actually have the same rod so I could try it on his. Appreciate the offer though
  20. Thanks for the heads up on the 5 power. Sounds like dobyns are on the softer side of the spectrum
  21. Yeah I've heard the same thing about the soft tip on dobyns Thanks I'll look into that I'll take a look at that rod. Right now Im throwing it on a med heavy cherrywood. Reason I m looking to upgrade
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