Every single person who has posted on this thread has gone through very similar times, I would venture to say everyone out there has in one fashion or another. If it helps I am 25 and not that long ago (7 years) was going through something very similar. You will make it through this, but they are right, in the end it is up to you. All the advice in the world can't change anything for you. Many people have their own opinions on what you should do and how you should do it; but you have to be the one to figure out, no different than bass fishing, what works best for you. I would reccomend to start talking to your friends and family, looking for any job you can get in the area, looking for a better job while having a not so great job is much better than looking for a job while not having one. As far as college goes I just finished my BS in Psych, there are many programs, grants, and scholarships out there all at your fingertips. Get on your computer and start researching them. You may be surprised how many there are and how many you have to opportunity to take advantage of. You may even have the opportunity to play a sport at a college, there are all different levels from D1 all the way to MIAA and D3. I wish you the best of luck, no one ever said it would be easy, and we should be happy that it is not for that would just be boring. Oh and another reccomendtion, after I was done playing college football and tried to go pararescue until I tore my ACL for a second time during SEARS I always was playing for a team, or working with a team, get active, work out, it will reinforce that activity level in your day to day activities and it will make you feel better overall. Where if you get in the slump of not doing those things, the bad feelings and mood tend to get worse.