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Everything posted by SWVABass

  1. Can anyone fill me in on watts bar around this time of the year? Thinking of possibly fishing as a non boater for a BFL super event. Looking at past weights it seems like sept could be a crap shoot. What do you all think?
  2. Good luck man!! I fished Douglas last weekend and the boat traffic was stupid then, as was my boater. I don’t see a lot of boats on the Holston below S. Holston lake but maybe that’s out of your range to travel? Speaking of Cherokee it was way low, @TnRiver46 do you know the skinny on why it’s still way down???
  3. Your crank bait may not be getting to total depth do to line size, speed and casting distance. You may be running right over it just not getting to the depth. Find a spot on the shore to line up your cast with as well that puts your brush pile between you and it, then you can triangulate yourself.
  4. Join a club and fish as a non-boater. You will see very quickly the difference in boats, size, hp. From there I think you can narrow down what you like. Rangers were extremely smooth in my opinion, bass cat as well and fast, skeeter beat the hell out of me as well as the 20’ Phoenix, but the 21’ was a pretty smooth ride and seemed plenty fast enough. Just going to have to ride/test drive as many as you can and then find a layout you like.
  5. @JWall14 how did you fare at Douglas and Cherokee?
  6. @ThatFishingGuy man first off just want to say I hear you, and it takes a lot to just put yourself out there like that. I feel for you. I personally don’t have to manage the thoughts and feelings you do. I have been a supervisor and close friend to two individuals who struggled with depression, ptsd, bi polar and other issues. Your post brings it to the forefront again for me. All I can say is find a close support group, talk with them and your Dr. Don’t try to be “manly” and bury this away. I’ve lost two close co-workers now because it overtook them. They would not see a Dr or support group to help them cope and I wish they had. I hear you and if you ever need to say something send a personal message man. I wish you the best in your journey.
  7. I’ve got two in the top ten with the rest of my guys 26th or better. Hopefully Christie and combs can find some bigger fish or other folks stumble.
  8. I’m interested to see what inflation does in the long term to the cost of boats. If a recession hits and then things reset and stabilize and I get the promotion I applied for I maybe able to afford the boat I want. If not I’ll stick to giving up gas offerings to my boater.
  9. I’ve seen them turned into a fish cake. I believe that was maybe Andrew Zimmerman. It was a pretty drawn out process though to get the fish to that point. My understanding is they have a ton of bones, so I believe they boiled it, then ground it all up bones included. Then turned it into the cakes. I would try it if I didn’t have to make it.
  10. @Mike L when is your next tourney in the Gator Division. Maybe you can answer this for me. Do you have to have paid for all tournaments to be able to fish the regional? I know you do to be able to get into the wildcard but was wondering about regionals. I missed the first one of the year, then had a pretty good showing last time. Based on my next three I don’t think I’m out of qualifying in the points as long as I don’t bomb any of the next three.
  11. Power bait gulp minnow is close to that as well. Although I haven’t seen it on the shelf in that color. Might be able to find a saltwater version of it in that color.
  12. Good luck Chris, I would recommend calling the tourney director. They have been able to get me a boater link for all three BFLs that I’m confirmed for. Super responsive. Seems like they struggle to fill the co side. on a side note I have back to back BFLs this weekend. Hopefully get good draws at both.
  13. Ha same numbers….. 47.2% ?
  14. Same as @TnRiver46 I fish them on a spinning set up, roboworm rebar hook, and just enough split shot to allow them to bounce down the bottom with out having to drag it. I try to get it where my bait is floating ahead of my weight.
  15. If I can parlay my MLF good luck to BASS then I might finally have a decent tournament. Was 4th in the tackle warehouse this weekend.
  16. I know some folks like yellow/amber for low light. I’ve never tried them. I don’t know of any clears that are polarized. And I’ve worn a ton of clear lens in my line of work. I’ll be following this to see if someone does know though.
  17. That maybe what the charge is for. But I wasn’t going to complain. I did buy a two year no questions asked exchange at BPS for a St Croix rod I just bought. Only have to give “a piece” back to get a new one at no charge. Wouldn’t have worked for the rod I replaced because it’s in 70 fow on the Tn river ???
  18. I busted an abu Garcia Ike drop shot rod awhile back. I paid the same fee and within a week had a new rod. No grief no nothing just showed up and was back to fishing. For me I thought of it as paying for shipping
  19. Anybody here doing MLF Fantasy Fishing by chance?
  20. @Siebert Outdoors thanks for that info was exactly what I was needing to know. Greatly appreciated!!!
  21. @Siebert Outdoors what’s the difference between your tremor and fogy? Looking to order but would like to know what is different between the two. Thanks!!!
  22. Get some square bills, some mid range stuff as well. Unless you have a boat or yak I would stay away from deep divers for now. Colors sexy shad, white, light brown and chartreuse black back. Should have you pretty well covered.
  23. What is the difference in the foggy and tremor from sieberts ? Just looking and wondering what the difference is. @roadwarrior would it be worth trying a cutter worm and menace grub as well? Or do the ruin the action?
  24. Need input for starting size and colors. Water bodies fished will be TVA lakes in TN - Douglas, Cherokee Watts Bar. Dont have much experience fishing these and need a starting point that will give me some confidence when starting with them. thanks!!!
  25. I fish a senko on a 3/0 for 4” and 4/0 for 5”. Texas rig it and barely skin hook the point. I should say they are EWG hooks, Berkeley fusion hooks. If I am fishing it wack 2/0 wacky from vmc with a weed guard. t rigged 1/8 and 1/4 usually the only weight I throw on it, no pegging it either.
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