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Everything posted by SWVABass

  1. Watched the video, honestly surprised it didn’t end in an all out brawl. I liked to think that folks in the outdoors had more integrity than that.
  2. Fellow VA basser here. Welcome back to the water, enjoy fishing with your kiddos!!!! Just take plenty of snacks and water ha!!
  3. I fish cranks deep and squares on straight yo zuri hybrid 12 lb. Spinnerbaits I throw on the same rod as my t rig so 40lb braid to a 12,15,17lb yo zuri hybrid leader. For top waters except poppers straight 40lb braid. Just what I like.
  4. Anyway I legally can
  5. I will fall back to a senko wacky style during certain times. Post spawn and fish are not chasing, summer time once water temps get really warm and fish become lethargic again, after turnover fished tight to cover and after a major frontal passage. Jerkbaits for me have always been early season before fish have started to move into areas where they are looking to spawn, and colder water temps.
  6. I agree with the crowd to having them be just another bass junkie sharing stories, giving useful feedback and just interacting. I wouldn’t want someone pushing their product at me everytime I read something by them. beat option I think would be some one no longer fishing competitively but still firmly anchored in the sport…. A Davy Hite type person.
  7. With spot lock I would want my mount in the front. When using it in current it should want to hold you facing into the current. If that is the case and you have it mounted on the rear you will be casting down current working your baits against the current… not ideal for presentation. I might be wrong on that but assuming it would be a pain to try to get it to do it basically backwards. The newest pro anglers look amazing. I bout a 19 in early ‘20 and kind of wish I had gotten the 360 drive instead. That being said by far love mine and have fished rivers/lakes and saltwater with it. You will enjoy which every you decide to go with.
  8. For 2500 I would jump on it. You will never be able to put a 360 drive in it but you can purchase the upgraded drive to have the 180 with kick up fins. Do they come with electronics or anything? How does the seat function? I’d ask to take it for a test ride then pull the plugs and make sure it’s not taking water. Everything in my area is priced between 4-3.5k for used 22-18 year models.
  9. Isn’t this an old farside comic? At least the art reminds me of them ?
  10. So the other day I took a stab at making Peking Duck. Very traditional Chinese dish and have no experience with it. Made it and my wife almost passed out, she hadn’t had it since she was a kid and her father passed away, brought back lots of good memories for her. So i guess I did good ?
  11. Adjusting to hook sets in a kayak is deff learning something new!!! I know the feeling. Glad to hear you didn’t go swimming and nice fish!
  12. My normal fantasy team tanked, like horribly after day one. But my drain the lake team rocked it. 101 points out of first sitting 19th for the tourney. I have four fishing today but pretty sure I can’t make up the difference. Ito Fider Johnston Felix
  13. I have two skillets and a flat pan that are great. I have enamel coated Dutch ovens that I love too. They have their place for cooking that for sure. But I wouldn’t limit myself to just cast iron that’s like saying I only throw a senko ?
  14. I find watching these guys video game fishing just as interesting as the guys punching every square inch of a mat. To be able to understand your electronics like that and target fish is impressive. Just watche Justin Lucas use a dropshot to slake an insane number of large mouth in NY. With smallies mixed. Pretty impressive in that format, maybe not when you your trying to cull ounces and don’t go towards the count if they are to small. But hey to each their own! Tight lines
  15. Looking for a link for the BFL on Watts Bar Sept 10-11th. If your looking for a co angler link let me know. Don’t want to enter unless I know I’m confirmed. thanks!!
  16. If your young and in shape top it. I top a pa 12 all the time on a lifted rubicon with 35”s. Is it the easiest probably not but I’m not going to let that stop me. I also top it on my vw. Made multiple trips over 1400 miles to fish the gulf with it and have had no issues. Maybe I just like doing stuff the hard way but I figure I save $500-$1000 on a trailer and tags so I put that into rods and a depth finder. Either way a PA in my opinion is hands down the best rig to go with, however you get it there.
  17. Make your property a deer magnet. Put in plots, leave them cover and bedding areas. Since your back east plan to hunt the rut if your looking for a wall hanger. If your hunting for meat….. we’ll no matter how big the antlers are bone like that makes tick poor soup so shoot does. In all seriousness though rutted bucks don’t taste that good.
  18. Need some stick baits in that line up.
  19. @kingmotorboat while I would love to say hop in I don’t think my hobie would be pleased with us. Kayaks are a great way to fish most of these lakes. Be heads up if you get one, the pleasure boaters will not be looking for you at all!!!!! with all that new water in Boone I bet it’s super tough fishing. But in another two years that place might be lights out.
  20. Get a good med heavy fast spinning to fish tubes and other soft plastics and a med light fast/ultra fast to drop shot with. Pitch/flip spring and summer on docks and lay downs. get ready to learn to fish offshore on the ledges. S Holston lake is the first real lake on the TN river system and seems to fish differently than Douglas and Cherokee. I haven’t fished below that but possibly will be on watts bar in sept. I would look to fish the volunteer division in bfl’s. I have not had any luck finding a club to fish seems like anything else is team related. I’m just up the road in Bristol. You will enjoy the smallmouths, best bass to catch hands down.
  21. They are kind of doing this in a round about way now. Not sure I totally understand this move on their part. while I’m still a fan of the original concept of bass as a conservation organization, their tournament set up has me moving further away from them. I’m fishing bfl’s now as it is much easier to sign up, fish and a much more clear picture as to where then end game is.
  22. Fishing the St Lawrence had to be one of the most memorable times fishing. Still to this day I have never seen water so clear or smallmouth so big. Pretty impressive what they are doing up there this week.
  23. I car top a PA12, keeps me in shape ? I also top my PA12 on a jeep rubicon that’s on 35s that’s a little more work and planning before sliding it up there. Also I can put 7’6” rods in the cab of the jeep as well. Someone said it before where there is a will there is a way. I’m not buying a truck just for my yak or rods, I would advise against that if it’s your only reason.
  24. I car top on a jeep rubicon. I like the idea of the furniture cart that may be the ticket. @CountryboyinDC your builds are similar to what I was hoping to look at. I might hit you up on some specifics over the weekend. thanks a ton for the ideas, never thought of most of these. Also cannot hoist and top it out of the garage I would either need a new yak or be doing some major renovations ha!
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