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Everything posted by SWVABass

  1. I tried the dreamshot without good results as well. Roboworms, Yamamoto shat shaped worm and cut tail worm, Berkeley gulp minnows, reins bubbling shaker are what I use on a drop shot.
  2. What style of crank are you using? I’m really interested in trying this with my square bills at depths I can’t hit without a weight.
  3. @Catt and @WRB thanks for diving into to this a little more. Very interesting way of rigging and I’ll give it a try some time. Both of you are a wealth of knowledge. Right now they are still choking the cranks but when it slows down I’ll give this a try!
  4. @WRB yea seen it wacky rigged but never on a Carolina rig. I’ve had hell fishing a Carolina rig on my lake here, the amount of rock on the lake makes it impossible to keep from snagging and loosing set ups all day long. About as close to fishing a Carolina rig I come to is pegging a bullet weight 12-14” above my plastic. I guess it’s closer to a split shot rig, and I usually fish a wacky worm on weightless or on a jig head. Learn something new everyday right?
  5. Man I just wish I had vegetation to throw to!!
  6. Record or not he’ll of a smallmouth. Catching that tank with family will make even better memories. Glad the anglers released her healthy. Congrats to the duo!!
  7. @Catt is that a Carolina rig? Never seen a worm hooked up like that
  8. If there are dinks there is something there spawning those dinks. I imagine you haven’t hit that pond just right to see the larger fish actively feeding. I follow suit and say try throwing some larger baits and see what happens. You might just get your arm broke
  9. So I’m a young guy, I remember Denny being on the Wheaties box, and KVD was very dominant in BASS at the time. These guys gave me dreams of catching huge fish at my local lake and fed my desire to be a fisherman at a young age. as I got older and my life changed I fell out of fishing, was hunting a lot more as fishing conflicts with work pretty hard. Then I let this gal who would become my wife. I’d say now she is my biggest inspiration to fish again. She’s competitive and loves the water.
  10. I used to buy into heavy pressure +dropping water+ cold temps = dropshot/neko rig type tactics. Until I fished with a better fisherman. As @scaleface said have multiple rigs ready to go. Same thing happened here last month, I whacked them in a squarebill up super shallow. Where they wouldn’t touch any soft plastic. Keep an open mind and try something new, you might find an awesome over looked fall pattern on your lake.
  11. For imitating Shad that big you could use a kid 2.5 or 8.0(not sure that is right but it is the magnum size) square bill. How deep is the pond? I know strike king and Berkeley make some deep divers the side of your hand. also spinnerbait, vibrating jig, swim jig, top water all can give the impression.
  12. If your not against using live bait we used to catch the snot out of them using minnows back in the day. Down by the d**n in 30’ of water. We were trying for crappie when we started but every time we went we caught a lot of largemouth. It was usually around New Years.
  13. I’ll play A: swindle b: connell c : Hanselman
  14. Man you opened a can worms are you fishing as a boater or non boater? There are tons of similar post to this on here. I’d say on a side not don’t forget water and sun screen. Two things easily overlooked in the fall that can lead to an unpleasant day.
  15. I believe they also have a contract with cbs?? I think the idea of an all fish count tourney appeals to a lot of folks. I work with at least five other guys who bass fish. None of them like the idea of a five fish tourney. They all do enjoy MLF formats and will watch it. I think MLF will need to developed a strategy on how to involve youth anglers as BASS and FLW have. With a format that draws more attention, one that will be viewed better in the eyes of non-fisherman (catch-weigh-immediate release), and the possible interest from non fishing sponsors I don’t see how they don’t have the potential to grow the sport.
  16. For the price I have been impressed with the Ike series drop shot rod. Light weight, sensitive, and pretty reasonable. I think I paid 120. I did have the first one break but took a photo two emails and a phone call and I had a brand new rod for $5. The customer service blew me away. I highly recommend the rod, the reason it broke is I tried to boat flip and totally messed it up and haven’t tried it since.
  17. If I remember right Cali didn’t allow the no bag limit for largemouth or stripers to go into effect. Also wasn’t that just going to be implemented on the Delta?? @WRB Cali does have a lot of conservation laws in effect, I think no less stringent than any other state. Bass reproduce and if people want to take and eat that’s their right as a licensed angler. Think about it as hunting most hunters are after a trophy, they don’t use a dart gun to knock them down take a photo and watch them run off again. I personally don’t eat bass, but will not hold it against someone who does. If they eat a lunker well so be it, provides an opportunity for another fish to fill that void and begin to grow to a trophy as well.
  18. I would say upgrade your lens. Any brand you like not sold on a each where you can pick them up and lay them next to the toilet paper and steaks. Most people have said a micro fiber towel they work good. I use the one costa provided me.
  19. Shad shaped worm, reins bubbling shaker, roboworms, tube, gulp minnows 4” & 5” all have done well for me depending on time of year.
  20. @A-Jay hope you have an awesome time down south. Look forward to your stories they are well written and the photos amazing. Hopefully you latch into big momma
  21. Nice buck man, my hunt is in 3 more weeks can’t wait to go chase some muleys!!!
  22. Beautiful fish, congrats to the angler!!!
  23. We have a small one that is bass and catfish specific. But the owner also rents kayaks, sells them, and also sales guns and ammo. He flat out said guns keep the doors open ammo makes me my profit if it was just fishing I’d be out of business. People rather save a buck at Walmart here
  24. Threw cranks to a 4th place finish last week in my club. Was slow but that was the only thing working for me, dealing with post front blue bird sky’s and a turnover
  25. Rods spinning abu st croix and one other, casting abu crowder Wright and magillis and an MHx I built reels spinning all lews speed spools casting pro qualifiers Daiwa and abu. best set up to fish overall the Daiwa on the crowder rod.
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