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Everything posted by SWVABass

  1. I am using it. Currently have it on my cranking set ups, drop shot, tube and another spinning set up. I run braid and the use it as a leader. For me it has been great line. I fish a pretty rocky lake and it holds up well. while it doesn’t have as much memory as floro it does have it. I use ardent line conditioner on it as I spool and then again before I hit the water. So far I can’t beat it for the price.
  2. I don’t have a photo but wish you best of luck on your quest!!!
  3. @Bluebasser86 once this gov shutdown is over I would like to talk with you about getting some made. They look awesome!
  4. I have a buddy with a smoker craft, not sure the model. He loves it and can fish him and his 3 boys outta it. I’d say take any boat for a test run on a lake
  5. Oakley has new fishing glasses out and some frames for folks with a larger head. I think costa’s sight also has size for their glasses if you wanted to see if they had something different. I would recommend going to a soorting store and trying on as many on as many as you can. Another brand would be wielyx(probably spelled it wrong).
  6. @Catt that’s what I was imagining whe I looked at your old post. I read up a little last night. I’ll look into getting the one you posted. @Log Catcher no worries even though you were talking unders the tactic might still apply here on my lake with this bait. We have a ton of threadfin here. ???? @WRB Tom thanks for chiming in with some of the older history. There is an old article in Bassmaster about the use of them on my home lake, elephant Butte believe it was in the late 80’s early 90’s when it was wrote. It was what turned me on to the bait, but the tactics described really aren’t in play here anymore due to extremely low water levels. I appreciate all the feedback.
  7. Thanks for all the input everyone. @Catt my bait is very similar except it has a line tie not a line through to the hook. Is there any advantage to that style you prefer to fish?
  8. @Bluebasser86 ok thanks for the input. Next time I head out I’ll spend the day working these and see what I come up with.
  9. Husky makes some totes that are rigid plastic, pullout handle with wheels. We use these on wildfires for transporting gear hard to beat.
  10. So I have a couple and are wondering if I should give this a try in the cold water period (temps are about 40-45). Was thinking of fishing it similar to a blade bait. If anyone has experience with these advice would be greatly appreciated. I’d be throwing them at both large and smallmouth.
  11. I’ve always had good luck throwing panther martins for stalked trout. Sometimes a spoon or rooster tail would be the ticket. If I had to use bait it would be fireballs in the blue top and corn. powerbait was like my last option.
  12. I’m in, should be a lot of fun with the shake up this year.
  13. I use the roboworm rebarb has worked great for me.
  14. SI’ve had noticed on the water where I fish it will eliminate certain fish. I can throw the 90 and anything will eat it. But if I pick up a 110 fish like white bass will leave it alone more and I’ll pick up largemouth on it. I’ve yet to catch a big fish on it but it has produced well. Also it is a fun bait for a kid to throw. Weighs a lot and doesn’t require more than turning the handle to work it. They get hooked on fish smashing it.
  15. I’m in New Mexico and winter fishing is tough here. Need to find something with access to deep water. I always try a crank and a spinner if no dice with that I start dragging a dropshot around or tube. As far as timing your just going to have to put time in on the water to figure out your lake.
  16. If your interested your ready. You can join a local club or possibly fish as a non member to see how that organization runs. If you don’t like it you can move on to the next one and find a group of individuals you fit in with. As far as experience I was skunked through my first 3 tourneys. By the end of the year I was second in our classic as a non boater. Watch learn ask questions. Fish with different anglers if there isn’t a draw. You will begin to build confidence in new techniques during different times of the year and become a better angler. Just go out fish your strengths if possible and be ready to learn. I’m still doing it today!!
  17. Yea I have been looking for it as well with no dice
  18. First one is next week at Sam Rayburn I believe
  19. I’d still stick with the green pumpkin. As stated before dying it with a little chartreuse might help. But before changing colors I would try techniques you mention grass, I would be throwing a vibrating and/or swim jig.
  20. Hold it till the have a sale on something you want then use it to get extra. Or save more money on a big ticket item.
  21. I can’t find the login screen is it up right now
  22. Been working on a scrap book over the course of the last three years on exactly that. Also using a mapping app on my phone that I can put way points on with photos as well so they are all geo-referenced. Keep teaching I greatly appreciate it @A-Jay
  23. Ok that makes sense what your saying. I will continue to probe that deeper water and see what I can work up. I’ve always wanted to spend time trying to figure out if the fish move out and relate to the drop offs along the main river channel or not during the summer. One othe question that comes comes to mind is your experience with dropping water levels in relation to smallmouth. The lake here will drop over 30’ during the course of the summer. What if any effect do you think this would have on them? Will the relate even harder to transition areas with more extreme contour changes? Steeper drops rather than long points? I know them pulling water generates current yet at the same time it’s dropping levels so I really struggle with this. thanks again @A-Jay
  24. @Chance_Taker4 man that is disappointing to hear. I would hope game wardens would want to teach and inform vs just writing tickets. But yea that’s the gov for you smh. I’ll keep the ones we got and be thankful for them.
  25. @A-Jay im not sure how to ask this but how does the presence of large palegic fish which as strippers influence smallmouth behavior and how they my relate to structure. I struggle locating them once late June-early July hits here. I’m sure the main body of the population is feeding on threadfin and/or gizZard Shad. What would you be looking for if this were your situation? Im still rereading again and taking notes for myself in the info shared.
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