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Everything posted by SWVABass

  1. 1. Bosses who don’t understand fishing isn’t luxury but a necessity. 2. Cost of all things fishing increasing 3. Fog delays- but I understand and respect the need for them. 4. Boaters who treat co-anglers as someone just along for the ride. 5. Co-anglers who don’t respect the time/money/effort boaters have invested.
  2. Try something like this https://suebeehomemaker.com/balsamic-glazed-brussels-sprouts-and-sweet-potatoes/
  3. Hard for me to compare the two. When catching one on a spinning rod and 8lb test vs bc with 40lb braid. They both are pit bulls in their own environment.
  4. Man if I were me I’d scrap the bass fishing and grab an inshore charter. Snook trout red fish and tarpon, Can’t beat that my man.
  5. Good luck in your next one. I fished BFLs last year and for the most part I enjoyed it. What division are you fishing? If I didn’t have work commitments I would be at chick this weekend.
  6. Was interesting to watch what he was doing in that canal , never would have guessed.
  7. Normal fantasy I have Clark still fishing, but in the top 300 in dtl
  8. Poche is fishing the MLF event at Kissimmee this week, has made the knock out round. He is fishing both trails this year
  9. @RDB I believe what @Deleted account is saying “prefishing” is = multiple trips prior to the off limits to learn a fishery. Plenty of folks have history on lakes on regional trails, if they have been doing it for a period of time. And with it sounding like it’s a one day jackpot on a fall fishery might as well be wide open at that point. Fall fishing has them scattered doing multiple different things so I think it lends its self to a junk fisherman covering water vs a summer time ledge comp. Correct if I’m wrong @Deleted account
  10. From shore I usually try to find an area with steep break allowing me to fish it more vertically. Though I pick it straight up and allow it to pendulum back to me keeping the line slightly taught. I also use the cylinder weights instead of the cannon ball or bass casting wieght design. BPS makes them pretty cheap and if I break off it’s usually the weight, also I don’t use tungsten for DS.
  11. You fishing as a co or boater? Big difference there. If you have a good practice and are on winning fish and it goes away tourney time something has changed. Start looking for structure near where you were catching them and try new presentations. Easy to say harder to do ha!!!! one day derbies can be tough cause some dudes are swinging for the fences hoping to hit that homer. I noticed it a lot fishing BFLs this year, as a co I was not prepared for that. I was fishing for good finishes trying to qualify for regionals so at times made it tough but in the end I made it.
  12. I use the yo zuri as well. I think you should compare diameter to the floro lines you are thinking about moving to. Seaguar is really good line, can’t justify the gold like @roadwarrior but was plenty happy with the seaguar that I recently picked up at Walmart. Super supple had no issues throwing 10lb test for cb the others day.
  13. BTL did a good interview with Jordan Lee on it. Was interesting to hear his take on it. Sounds like it was driven by the anglers. I liked the every fish counts and I’m sure I’ll like this…. But boy is it going to change up picking a fantasy team
  14. Look on Craigslist for kayaks. There are deals to be had. Personally I have hobie PA12, and can car top it by myself. In a truck it would be a breeze. Plenty of similar styles out there. I would think models a couple years old will be floating for sale, and you might find a good deal on a brand new one with holiday events coming up. Also having a kayak will give you options to fish bigger lakes and creeks/rivers if you have any close by. Third if you ever get to saltwater you will be glad you one as well. Sure you will enjoy whatever you get, to get you off the bank!
  15. I’ll give it a 5/10 hahaha decent attempt to spoof it. I thought for a quick min it was true footage hahaha. Did you happen to listen to the big water podcast on this? Pretty crazy the director was good buddies with at least one of the dudes.
  16. E or c clips should have two small holes on either side. Pliers are made to open them as you squeeze the handles. This allows you to open and slide the clip off. Should be able to find them at a parts store or online. screwdrivers work but clips can and will fly. I only use that method for field cleaning chainsaws, don’t need the extra weight hiking mountains.
  17. I started as a co-angler in my late 20s. I always wanted to tournament fish so I joined a local club. We had a horrible lake and usually 2-12” smallmouth would draw you a check. I never caught a fish in the first three events. But I fished with some of the older guys, they took time to teach me and my results got better. I won the year end championship out of the back of the boat and got big fish too. As time went by I got better and in a group of 30 one year I won three tournaments and ended up 3rd in AOY. That tough fishing paid off for me somewhat. I moved cross country, started fishing BFLs this year. I missed the first event but have managed to catch fish in all the other tournaments and qualified on points to go to regionals. Hoping I can continue the success this year. For fun fishing now I usually spend two-four weeks a year inshore fishing in southern fl. And forget what a bass is ?
  18. @MN Fisher I have a couple of plans to try to make the EV work. Planning on putting solar on my house, along with small wind generators as well. Will I save any money by doing this? Highly unlikely but I feel like I am trying to make a change albeit a small one. I have my reasons, mainly from the extreme changes I am facing in my work environment which continue to make it more hazardous for the public and the folks I supervise when sent on assignment. lots of valid questions and points to what you said, hopefully folks smarter than myself can figure that out so our kids/grandkids can enjoy the same opportunities we have.
  19. I’m looking into ev’s for multiple reasons. Waiting to see what dodges new option is like here in the near future. @Mick D while I’ll agree that there is dishonesty in some of the claims made, one needs to look no further than lake mead and Powell to see the change. I grew up out west and have moved to the east, and do to water concerns have no interest in relocating back to the west in the foreseeable future.
  20. Haha @TnRiver46 and @Deleted account exactly why I was asking on here. Sounds like it will be the BFL rules that are more restrictive. Yea I was a little confused and knowing how mlf has failed to local regs I wanted to do some digging
  21. Yea, I’m sure my tournament rules will be more prohibitive than state laws but just want to make sure. Don’t need a Poche incident or hell a walleye like day either!!
  22. Been doing some research online but struggling to find the info I am looking for. Trying to figure out Alabama’s regulations regarding the A rig. How many baits can you have on the rig and of those how many can have a hook? Wanting to make sure I understand the state law clearly. Also if anyone has a good link to a proclamation I would take that as well. I have looked online at there state game and fish site and not sure if I found the proc or not. Thanks in advance for your help.
  23. I would also think that this could probably be used for the state to take away fishing access for these two. Pretty sure that stuffing fish with lead makes it unable to eat and could be considered wanton waste (spelling).
  24. Oryx or also knows as gemsbok. African antelope they can be found on public land hunts in NM or high fence ranches in TX. Had friends share meat from their adventures when I still lived in NM. Blows elk and antelope outta the water.
  25. As the old saying goes…. Money is the root of all evil. I wonder if tourney fishing would have the draw if it were free and the only thing you got was a cheap pot metal trophy?
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