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About DaleGribble

  • Birthday March 12

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  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs

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  1. Love those rods. Ive tried the tec spec line from the infernos up to the arsenals. The elite are amazing rods for the price. Light and very sturdy for the price. SIC guide inserts, and good grips. I like the arsenals better but DSG stopped making them a while ago and they were more expensive anyways. Overall awesome rods as long as you can deal with blue rods.
  2. I like my Powell Inferno for this application. Right at the price point too.
  3. Another vote for 4" Roboworm. I like anything in blue or red but I find the color doesnt usually matter at that point. Ive caught some good fish on them but really a great time/presentation for numbers.
  4. Pulled this out of Needwood in Redlands yesterday.
  5. I have been keen on using just about any braid that is readily available and some of those that are not just for S and Gs. I bought some at DSG when they started carrying it this year. So far I have been a huge fan of Daiwa's J-Braid. Been using 10lb chartruese on my spinning reels (with a leader) for finesse stuff on my spinning gear and 40lb green on my jig/worm/swim jig etc rods and have been thoroughly impressed. At first I was worried because colors bled LIKE CRAZY, but found that the line color didnt actually change. I know I've seen a bad review or two on youtube but I REALLY like this line. Anyone else had trouble in the long term? Seems super smooth to me, as most 8 carrier braids are. Very quiet through guides and no issues with fraying/breakage so far. Anyone else seen different results, or is this the braid to recommend at this price point?
  6. UI've tried it. It's very smooth. Pretty limp too. Kind of an off color, almost a sheen to it. Didn't care for it too much though. Tended to dig into itself a little more than I cared for. YMMV
  7. The LFS Speed Spools have been out only like 2-3 years. Lews has had a $99.99 Speed Spool for a long time but the LFS series of reels from Lews just came out recently.
  8. Its not too heavy for shallow cranking. As long as the MH rod has a moderate enough action you well be ok. That rod may be a little long for use in close quarters and such, but more manageable than trying to deep crank with a noodle rod.
  9. I read good things so I ordered one. It came today. Obviously havent had a chance to try it yet, but it feels pretty nice.
  10. The two are very different. You're just gonna have to talk it over in your head, decide on one that seems a more pressing need at this time. And then end up convincing yourself to buy the other one later.
  11. What rod is it on?
  12. try a 1/4 oz gamakatsu skip gap shakey head. Larger size and easy to rig 4/0 ( believe) hooks. Stays put because of the skip gap bend.
  13. I've caught a few on the warpig. It has good action and loud vibration to it. I have several diggers but have yet to catch a fish on one. The dive aggressively and stay down. I haven't fished them enough to have a definitive opinion yet but the paint jobs sold me so far
  14. I've been a big fan of gambler burner craws lately. Really good colors and incredible scent. Otherwise look very similar to Zooms.
  15. I use 3/0 ewg. I use them on jika rigs and have been pretty successful lately. You're right that its right between the size of hooks. I just rig carefully and hope for the best
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