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    <p>phx, az</p>

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  1. Try downsizing and fishing slower You might also try the backs of cuts and fish the main creek channels
  2. A hula grub is a double tail grub with a half skirt soddered on the head is all. double tail grub, hula grubs and garlands are all considered a spider jig. spider jigs are the #1 jig for us structure fisherman here in the west. Theres nothing better then fishing a 1 ounce yamamoto spiderjig 35-50' on some main lake structure when you need to win a tourny
  3. Deepest I have caught bass here in Arizona is around 100 feet of water spooning and dropshotting. We catch alot of our fish in the winter and summer in the 50-70 ft range. There is a easier way to fizz your fish just take a fizz needle stick it down there throat between there crunchers and depress on the stomach. you will hear the air coming out of them . its also smart to throw them back right away or put them in the live well with the please release me now treatment to insure they dont go into shock. there is another way and thats to barely hook them under the mouth with a big jig and let the jig take them down to 30+ foot of water them give the rod a fast snap ripping the hook put of there skin . hey it works. probaly around 80% of the fish I catch are deeper than 30 ft and I have not lost to many fish in tournaments since I fizz my fish right away and use additives such as please release me now and if its in the summer time I keep lots of ice with me to keep them cool intellI can weigh them in
  4. I fish them alot when Iam fishing the Lakes in Mexico and have done really good on them.
  5. Winter= Yamamoto Jig 8) Spring= Yamamoto Jig 8) Summer= Yamamoto Jig 8) Fall = Yamamoto Jig 8)
  6. sure a little scent helps to cover up the scent from your hands and it makes them hold on to the bait a little longer if there picky
  7. I have used Yamamoto baits since they first came out. I have won alot of money using them and caught alot of Bigbass here in Arizona on them. I have tried others wannabe baits and they just don't work as well as Yamamoto baits do. When it comes to tourny fishing only a yamamoto bait will be on my hook.
  8. 26 pitch 3 blade raker for a mod. 3.0 liter rude hanging off the back of a 204 elite champion
  9. what I do is after I spot the fish I back off and throw a weightless worm and let the wind or current take the worm to the fish. dropshotting small robo worms also works good in this situation
  10. I use the cul m rite scale set up with the colored floats .
  11. they have been on beds here in az since febuary in a few of our lakes. We can catch bed fish from feb thru end of june here, just depends on what lake we go to.
  12. For rough water I don't think a champion can be beat. Choose a boat that will suit your needs for you. I run alot of big rough water so I baught a champion.
  13. 94 champion 204 dcx with a built up 3.0 liter rude 26 pitch raker prop , boysen reeds, wiseco pistons and 6 redone carbs. minnkota 74 tm x-15 graphs 2004 champion 206 with a 225 rude ficht 109 motor guide digital tm. x-16 color graphs
  14. I like and run nothing but a ChampioN.
  15. when your a pro bass fisherman it's all about exposure and he does a great job at it. A few of my buddies have been his non boater and they say he is a very cool guy. yeah he is hyper and screams alot but oh well his sponsors sure don't mind one bit now do they .
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