that rod was a rod I made for a local educational foundation fund raiser. MSU sells well here, so that's why the theme. I do one every year. Rodgeeks blank, nice blank. I have an identical one I made for me, and it's a great tube rod. C4 med power, fast action. A little more powerful than the St Croix SCV, 7 foot, med power, fast action.
IMHO, carbon fiber is cool, but isn't a compelling advantage over cork or Winn. Winn is actually lighter than most cork, and light = sensitivity. Even though it feels soft, Winn does fine for sensitivity. Just keep DEET away from your Winn grips. As you should do with anything other than steel. DEET attacks just about everything.
One thing that a lot of builders seem to miss is that with spin, the grips/handles mean almost nothing. You grip by the seat, with the stem between your fingers, and the stuff in front of and behind the seat is just along for the ride. Or for style. To make the design look symmetric. So if you have a comfortable butt knob, and a smooth surface in front of the seat, like a nice little ramp to the blank, everything's cool. And as effective as it's going to get.