That is Fuji Ultra Poly candy apple red #020 with Flex Coat cp. (I use two coats of cp just in case, and make sure to fill the tunnels until capillary action no longer draws cp into the tunnel, then blot off the excess with a paper towel. Second coat, same process) Pro Wrap metallic black and Pro Wrap gold metallic (one of their golds, don't remember which).
I like metallics, even in black, for the nail knots I use for the trim rings. It tends to stay tight better than regular thread. I think I got those done with only 3 wraps of the nail knots, but cannot remember for sure. Might be 4. Cannot make a nail knot work with 2. A tip on nail knots, when you pull them tight and work them into position, don't cut the thread tails off immediately. Apply cp to the junction of the thread, justs a tiny drop, and it will stabilize the knot so that when the cp dries a very sharp exacto knife can be used to cut off the tails. Of course if you're not using cp, this cannot work. I really like the sheen of regular thread with cp.
I put the first coat of cp on the wraps as soon as I feel confident the guides are in good alignment to stabilize the guide positions a little; they still can be moved slightly if necessary even though cp is on them, but it will be harder to do it, and they won't move from a casual bump.
Note that if you use white cp it has solids in it, which is how it works. The color goes transparent when it dries. But you should mix the cp every time you use it to be sure the solids are in suspension and not settled at the bottom. I simply shake the bottle, which yes, makes bubbles, but since I blot it anyway any bubles are burst and don't dry.