It depends on how one defines "sensitivity." One expert argues that since the longer rod has a mechanical "disadvantage" relative to a shorter one of similar power and action, it will make bites easier to detect. For many years experts have argued that the higher the stiffness to weight ratio, the higher the sensitivity. And material and construction obviously can affect stiffness to weight ratio. The higher the stiffness to weight ratio, the higher the True Natural Frequency of the blank/rod. And now it is possible to easily, cheaply, and accurately measure TNF. And sure enough, the higher the price, generally, the higher the TNF. We are probably getting more sensitive rods by paying more. And, there is one brand that consistently has higher TNF's in my testing than the other brands I've tested.
But we can discuss and debate "sensitivity" until the proverbial hell freezes over and still reach no consensus. One thing I know for sure is that there is no "sensitivometer."
It is my opinion that if one is using FC or mono, and desires higher sensitivity (ability to feel the bite and lure action) the biggest gain will come by switching to braid, much higher improvement than seeking a higher sensitivity rod.