The above responses are absolutely correct. If you want to measure the difference between two guide sets and have an Android device like a phone, Kindel, or tablet, it's easy to measure the natural frequency of bare blanks and blanks with guides on them. It is a significant effect when guides are added. On some blanks there is a measurable difference between a titanium and SS tiptop. Easy peasy to see the difference between SS and titanium runners, even the smallest ones. Send me a message if you want to know how to do this. I call it TNF, True Natural Frequency.
Now the big question can you feel the difference? Most fishermen believe they can, and I do too. With lighter guide sets the rod responds from deflection faster, which should mean longer casts. Many experts think higher TNF means higher sensitivity, and I agree. A rod with a lighter guide set will settle without "wiggle" after a cast. In fact with light guide sets you cannot evaluate a rod in the old "wiggle" method. Modern graphite with light guides just doesn't wiggle. Above comments are in my opinion all correct, including "crisp" and "clean."