Check out the long string of posts under "Albright knot fails ?!!"l further down for some good discussion. To start with , the Alb erto is an improved version of the Albright. It suffers from the same weakness, if you put the tag end back through the loop wrong it will unravel. There is a lot of different opinions on this subject, but my conclusion is that you can tie the Alberto correctly and it still can unravel, not by force, but from going through the guides (micros) and getting ticked a lot under essentially no load. A lot of folks disagree.
I have concluded that the knot many are advocating, the FG is the best knot for this. It takes a little more skill and practice to tie, but I don't think it is as hard to tell if you've done it right. You can visually inspect it. If you've screwed up the braiding, it will have bumps where you screwed up. It is the smallest of the knots, much smaller than the double uni and smaller than the Alberto. You can view a video on the string of posts I mentioned, but I suggest you do an internet search for "how to tie FG knot video" and you will come to a number of good videos. The one I like is the one where you don't have to have tension on the braid to tie it. Maintaining tension on the braid while braiding it is a pain in the butt for me. Maybe practice will help.
The FG won a contest a group had on the different knots, and it was the strongest. Until you get good in tying it, you may want to tie it in front of the TV the night before you go onto the water.
I believe it is the best for all 4 of the attributes you want to know about. Not as sure about shock resistance as the other three. I think shock resistance may have more to do with the braid than the knot. However, since it will go through the guides, even micros, so smoothly, you won't be tempted to really shorten your leader, and the longer the leader is the more shock resistance you will have. If you don't believe that, just stretch a length of a foot of FC, then do it again with 3 feet of FC. Good luck!