If your boat has open cleats, then there is a significant probability, especially if fishing with kids and others not tuned in to the potential, that you will have a rod broken by its getting under the open cleat end and simply picked up. Note the pictures. I have such a boat, and could not find retractable cleats that would work on my boat, so I searched for another solution. If you have some of the flexible polyurethane foam, about 1 inch thick, that comes as packing with electronics (I never throw it away-has so many uses), you have a solution. It is light, clean, doesn't flake or quickly degrade, and snaps on and off in a wink.
Cut a piece of the foam out that can enclose the cleat and be about two inches longer than the cleat. Then cut out the center to allow it to be placed over the cleat. Leave them off until on the water, storing them in a handy place, then before fishing, cover the cleats. Piece of cake.
Note the photos, (note the image, not the title, I screwed up on titles) and if you have questions, please ask. This simple, free, solution can save you a broken rod.l