Sticking with US manufacturers is pretty limiting. If not insisting on that there are thousands of very good blanks out there from Mudhole, Rainshadow, American Tackle, Rodgeeks, and on and on.
First, I would look to a moderately priced blank for my first build. American Tackle Bushidos are a very good blank at a very good price point. The reason I say this is that your first build will not be your best-that will come later. Better to learn at a moderate price point. You will not be disappointed with the Bushidos, and the Rainshadow Revelations and RX6 blanks are very good blanks. I have no experience with the mudhole blanks, but they are very popular and therefore good. You cannot fool people forever.
I would start with a moderate fast action, the length you want, power possibly going a little above your lure range to gain a little more versatility, still will cast well. 3/16 to 1/4 is not much of a range. I suspect you will be going above that a lot with the techniques you mention.
Cast or spin? Look at the Fuji KR concept guides for spin, see the Anglers Resource catalog for instructions. The Fazlite guides are very good guides at and depending on which you choose, can be very affordable.
You have a bazillion options, so it's hard to recommend.