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Everything posted by BASSPATROL247

  1. I also use this method for knot selection...direct tied is rapala knot and tied to a quick snap or a split ring wich i hardly ever do,split ring that is the shaw knot is money with fluro..
  2. All reels have a lil play or slop in the shaft,gear and mount you have shown..is the c clip u mention on the top of the crankshaft? Or the handle end? If so like i said they all have a bit of play...
  3. Tjats just how i learned, pretty much no tension and 1/3 of the brakes on.. so if it was a six pin id put 2 on. That whole set tension so bait drops and spool dont overrun when it hits the ground deal did not work for me, tried and tried and almost gave up before going super loose and fast and using my thumb more as a tension knob than the actuall knob.. after that i was casting lime a vet shortly there after.. i gotta say though i got a new lews tourney lite and i can dial it in so i only have to thumb the spool when my lure hits the water but no thumbing dont feel natural to me so i keep it loose and fast and thumb it...
  4. I really like my SR taserra jig/worm rod 7'2" id say mh fast...its a bit stiff for weightless senkos or flukes bit other than that it works for me, the weightless stuff i throw on a SR taserra soinnerbait/worm rod 7'0" id say M and it has a mod- fast action, really whips that light stuff out there good..
  5. How important is sensitivity in a rod that ur throwing 2oz swimbaits on??? Id think anything hitting those baits are gonna make their presence know on any rod regardless of sensitivity..is sensitivity even that important for that application? If stripers r anything like their cousins they dont nip, they hammer baits full throttle.. i could be wrong but i dont throw big swimbaits hardly ever... if i did any one of my MH or H rods would work for me..
  6. Did the 2nd gens have a bent handle?
  7. The toro handle will fit your 6500, lot cheaper than some of those fancy jap ones..if im not mistaken every abu i own round and low have compatible handles and im pretty sure lews and abu's handles are interchangable.. almost every handle ive ever seen will fit just about any other reel regardless of brands.. ive never had a problem putting a handle off one reel and onto another reel...
  8. I use them at night sometimes around rock and have done well before.. big chubs 6 inches under a big cigar float in super shallow water has caught lots of bass for me...i use it when its windy or no moon and vis for casting is very low...
  9. First off if its your first time night bassin i would recommend fishing a lake you are familiar with as to where hazards,trees etc.. are located so you dont tear your lower unit off the boat(shouldnt never go fast enough to actually have that happen at night, not safe!) Or hit something and damage and or eject anybody from the boat..make sure all ur nav lights r working,you have tpfd's,life vests etc...try to keep the boat floor/decks clear except for just what you need out, sucks cracking a rod or crushing guides because you step on them.. personaly i keep all lights off when fishing as long as theres no other boats around, if i can see one or hear it they go on until its gone..i use a headlamp with red bulb to tie and unhook fish other than that im blacked out. I also like to be as quiet as possible even running the tm only when necesarry, you would think theyre less spooky at night wich i suppose they may be at times but at night everythings quieter and calmer so their senses are working at their best, as apposed to during the day when theres more boat traffic and more things going on above the water to distract them... other than that i like dark baits most of the time and fish like its daytime fishing....cooler is why i like it, that and the peacefulness..
  10. I love it!!! You got that right buddy!!!
  11. Real fishing never ends for me at ice up..i will fish through any form of water, no way i could not fish in the winter...id go batty! Lol
  12. And it will pretty much last forever compared to 2-5 yrs of real brush..
  13. I beleive its a first gen also, did the gen 2's have the bent in handle and drag?? I love! That reel, wish i had 5 more..kinda big and a l heavy but i lime it..
  14. They say ive been running with a pole in my hand since i was 3 yrs old..ive forgot more about fishing than i can remember lol!
  15. Theyre all worth whatever someone will pay
  16. Actually its not a norman, eyes r wrong...spro maybe??
  17. Good baits, own several
  18. I fish the back 40 about half the time and for me it all depends whats getting thrown from the front of the boat and what sort of structure/cover is being fished.. dont let fishing the back of the boat make you think your at an disadvantage...because your not. If anything ur better off because you can make more casts to a peice of cover than the frong guy and from more angles.. i prefer the back in most scenarios..
  19. Only weight i use on senko style baits 90% of the time is a small nail..
  20. Bout a half oz..
  21. Use them year round..in summer i like a double fluke rig fished fast and sporatic around rocks or any other cover.. always have a weightless fluke on a spinning rod 8lb test at all times!!
  22. Never used a premeire or ci4 but if its like or better than the lews tourney lite (180 retail) Than id say you will not be disappointed at all! Not sure if you have used lews before but they cannot be beat for the money. I have 50-180 dollar lews and all the reels in that range ive used cant compare with the same priced lews reels... that team pro lews is almost a revo premeire... both have same parts for most part and assembled almost the exact same way...good reels..
  23. Is this a gen 1 or 2? I beleive its a first generation...
  24. Ive used mono for 35+ yrs and still like it better than fluro,braid etc..in most cases.
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