First off if its your first time night bassin i would recommend fishing a lake you are familiar with as to where hazards,trees etc.. are located so you dont tear your lower unit off the boat(shouldnt never go fast enough to actually have that happen at night, not safe!) Or hit something and damage and or eject anybody from the boat..make sure all ur nav lights r working,you have tpfd's,life vests etc...try to keep the boat floor/decks clear except for just what you need out, sucks cracking a rod or crushing guides because you step on them.. personaly i keep all lights off when fishing as long as theres no other boats around, if i can see one or hear it they go on until its gone..i use a headlamp with red bulb to tie and unhook fish other than that im blacked out. I also like to be as quiet as possible even running the tm only when necesarry, you would think theyre less spooky at night wich i suppose they may be at times but at night everythings quieter and calmer so their senses are working at their best, as apposed to during the day when theres more boat traffic and more things going on above the water to distract them... other than that i like dark baits most of the time and fish like its daytime fishing....cooler is why i like it, that and the peacefulness..