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Everything posted by BASSPATROL247

  1. X2 those new s,sx and stx i dont even consider abu's.theyre just like the bcx's wich l,think they replaced they are not made in sweden and they have cheap junk parts and are all around garbage!!! I was sick to my stomach when they came out..(HUGE ABU FAN!!). But if your gonna get a round reel imo it has to be an abu, they will work until yoh die if you take care of it.. the 5000 and 6000 dont use a thumb bar and for casting alot it can get old using two hands to disengage the spool. Same with the C3's but the C4's have thumbars and are right at what you want to spend. I have several round abu's but for any kind of bass fishing i would use my 5600 or 6600 CL rocket as it has a thumbar and the ones i have cast a lil better than my C4's but any of them will work. Not sure what you mean by drilling out the cog wheel but when i added cog wheel bearings i used a box cutter to cut the little nippleon the cog that holds it on the shaft..think catfish connection has a video..
  2. I used to fish with one or two spinning rods and you can do it all with one rod and catch fish,i did. Its not gonna be your best bet with certain techniques but it can be done, it helped me to try to use lighter baits sometimes and the only thing that it may not work much at all for is deep cranking but i assume your bank fishing so that wont come into play very often..a good 7' m or mh that has decent backbone and a mod-fast to fAst tip is what i would geg if i were you...
  3. Sure there is, easier and faster to clean..
  4. Sure there is, easier and faster to clean..
  5. Lmao! Nics! Thats what little things like slow spinning bearings do to my mental health hahaha ive got some quirks when it comes to fishing and my gear... that or im just plain crazy! Like i always say, to each their own.
  6. Do what right? Spend 20$ and replace them is wrong? I know how to clean a bearing..soak them,rinse them,dry them and oil them..been doing it for a long time but when i clean mine it takes a long time for 18 reels so if i can tear them all down,clean and lube them and have them back together in a few hours compared to over a day by using a dremel then its more than worth it to me..if the dremel ruins them wich i doubt it will in leaa than a year oh well i replace them anyways..
  7. Yeah,i have some ordered for all my reels but it will be a week before they arrive. Nothings wrong with it but i got some reel butter to try so i broke the reel all the way down and i noticed one spool bearing didnt spin hardly at all, reel casts fine but just knowing about that bearing would have drove me nuts..the dremel thing worked the first try, now i wont be thinking about it. I replace all my bearings yearly wether their bad or not so i think i'll use the dremel because it is very fast and easy..
  8. I bought a sheet and made my own, much better now. Also you can polish the washers where they come in contact with the disks to a mirror finish with a very fine jewelry polishing xompound to improve tour drag oh and the inside of the main drive gear that houses the drag stack,polish just the surface the stack sits on...and i agree with mike, much better bang for your buck compared to bearing upgrade...
  9. Worked like a charm..must of had some residual grease in that one, on to the rest. Thanks again
  10. Cool man thanks..by low do you mean like on 5?10?15???
  11. Ive heard too that you have to re oil more often wich makes sense why it makes bearings faster because its so light,im gonna try it as i like them fast for my style of casting...
  12. What do you use to hold the bearing on your dremel, im looking at mine right now and thats a good idea, to spin them out instead of removing the sheilds..
  13. Thanks guys, reason i ask is i have a few bearings in a couple max reels that just dont spin, ive cleaned the reel bearings in all of them but all but one reel has a bearing that after i clean it just wont spin like the others, i'll add to that it took a couple cleanings to get the others to spin for a while, not sure if abu uses heavier grease or lower quality bearings??? I could replace them but figured id try to remove the sheilds and soak them again...
  14. No maintenance amd also for shelf life..
  15. Like said above any reel oil will work, its just a matter of preference, never used hot sauce but have heard it will make your bearings fast...
  16. How do you remove the sheild on sheilded bearings? Are the sheilds installed/remo ed pretty much like a c-clip that holds bearings in the sideplates? Same basic concept?
  17. I agree, keeping my log has me always thinking wich in turn keeps me focused. Do i need it to catch fish because my memory is bad? No but when its tough it is priceless to me to be able to look back and find similar conditions wether its the time period im fishing or not that way i have somewhere to start.. and like said above i would have forgot way more details etc..than i could have ever remembered..
  18. After looking again i think ur right SL. Theirs look lime two peices..
  19. Thats what i thought about the cordell, also thought the other was a SK but if you look close at it compared to their catalog...do the SK have two peice bodys with half the bill on each half? This ones 2 halfs with the half bill on each half of the bait..
  20. Your hold and camera angle makes it look like the "tv" guys pics except you cant see fingerprints or the snowflakes on its scales, awesome shot and awesome fish! Way to hussle hahaha
  21. Yeah my fault, i typed that wrong. Ive fished cranks but deep for me (most deep cover is 12-13here) is about 12-13ft and i can get down to that but cant get down to 20 with a crank although i didnt have one that ran that deep...good post.
  22. Ok i could have put this in the other thread but i figured the guys who looked already would not look again.. some of these i found and want doubles because they catch fish, some i found and changed patterns on to what i know works here for me, and some are repos from grandpas box when i was young..hahaha these were sold when the color selec tor first came out to be used with it, theyre rebel fastrac's,shallow floater's and the small ones i dont?? 1. This one i found and changed colors,works great.. 2. Same as last one foundchanged works... 3. Manns M35 and LM111? Depth? 4. No clue?? 6. Must have more of these.. looks lime a SK but i looked and im not sure? 7. Cotton cordell??
  23. The pile im trying to get down to sits in 19 fow and the top is 16-17 ft deep, im thinking something thats suppose to run 20+ feet should get me down to the tops.. you say a 60yd cast is needed?? Whoa thats a long cast but doable with right setup and perfect conditions.. good thing is i can cast to it from any angle so i can use the wind if any present...
  24. I keep catching my oldes(12yrs) groping my new lews tourney lites and ive noticed one of his reels is on the bench and his rod is in the corner...he thinks im an old fool or something, i know excatly what he has invisioned lol! Should probably just give him one of them, but then he'll be eyeing something else hahaha
  25. Dont that drive you nuts? Hey boy what reel is that? My new one dad, oh so thata my old one?? Lol! Gotta love them...
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