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Everything posted by BASSPATROL247

  1. ive used google earth on my pc and used the long. and lat. numbers they show that correspond with the pointer and noticed that they are the most accurate when you zoom all theway down then zoom out 2 or 3 clicks. I compared them with a handheld garmin in my yard and they were 5 ft or less of the garmin I used. I did what danno054 did and made a pdf and printed them out.. theres a couple new and renovated lakes here so I was able to see the whole lake bed before filling, very helpful tool in terms of finding spots but fish being there and able to catch them is a different story ha ha ha...
  2. I had this happen before after taking back apart and everything was in order I used it for a day or so and it corrected itself??? made me think some oil got on a drag washer or something but I checked so who knows, I would use it and see if it goes away....
  3. and honestly I don't put too much stock in bearing count because I have used reels that have less bearings perform better than reels with more bearings. I still like mine regardless of bearing count but I don't know how lews does this...
  4. no, they have bushings in them...thought of that already. I have these reels and have had them all the way apart several times and the number of bearings does not match what they claim on the box or their website.
  5. ive noticed that the reel bearing count on some reels are not accurate and don't even show the number of bearing the reel is supposed to have..(lews lazer mg and lews carbonfire) anyone notice this???
  7. thanks man... i know it dont really matter what others like but i still like the input..
  8. X2 i have cracked them before and used fingernail hardener and it worked great but have never used it on a plastic bait just balsa
  9. i had a chance to pick up a teserra jig/worm rod 7'2 fast and a 7' s glass mod fast crankbait rod both new with tags for 75 bucks so i pulled the trigger... never had a technique specific rod and wonder what u guys think of them.. i mean they gotta be better than my other rods right??? (laguna,lightning rod,carbon zs speed sticks,etc...)
  10. what would you guys use to clean the stock bearings and how much oil would you use.. ive been told to squeeze the bottle so the oil barely comes out of the tip but doesent fall and touch the bearing so that little bit goes in the bearing... i used a team kvd reel(walmart) the other day that a neighbor had and it is night and day difference compared to my max's, carbonfires and mg's... i wouldnt think 50 more bucks would get a reel that much better.. i also have a gen1 or 2 revo sx that i would think is 130-150 range new but my other reels perform better..
  11. thanks for the replys and i forgot to ask about abec ratings but got my answer.. how do you suggest cleaning or flushing out stock bearings? also im not so much concerned about distance just performance...
  12. I know that the quality/design of parts in a reel determine how well the reel works and casts and would like some opinions on bearings in terms of upgrading them and how much they will improve cast control if any on lower priced reels without dual brakes. I was thinking about putting ceramics in one of my laser mg's or pro max's but if its not gonna improve the casting and only make it feel smoother then I will save my money..
  13. depending on the brand of lipless crankbait I like to swap the front treble for 1 size bigger and replace the back hook with a small baitkeeper hook and barrel swivel and put a grub on it. it works very good for me at times when I yo-yo/lift drop it and with a stop and go retrieve and gets bit on the drop 95% of the time. baits that will drop or dive nose first when you stop reeling or after a lift work great but say like a bill lewis that tumbles instead of diving do not work with this presentation for me. ive also tried the willow leaf blade on back and has its days too but ive found that a very small Colorado blade works better, I could be totally wrong but I think the change in sound/vibrations from the rattles when its swimming to the thump from the little blade when it dives triggers a lot of the strikes... and like the poster above, im a believer is roughing up baits a little bit to take some of the shine and dull the colors looks more natural...
  14. thanks alot, i had looked at that models schematic after being referred by someone. i wa. also told that is pretty much the same as an energy pt... thanks again...
  15. post the number under the reel foot and i can look it up in a book i have.
  16. could any one tell me where i can find a schematic or any other information like price or year model etc... for a team kvd baitcaster model number KVD100HW.
  17. for me they are very nice reels and have nice smooth drag and feel when reeling, that being said the presidents are too.. but it depends on what smooth means to you. for me the lews has a very connected feeling when im reeling almost like theres just a slight resistance when you turn the handle where the president to me you dont feel anything kinda like your playing air guitar but the guitar is the reel if that makes sense...i like the lews better but some guys like the air feel and i like all the features on the lews. i will say the lews i. is a tad bit heavy but i dont use it very much so its no big deal for me...
  18. not sure what the washer material is but if they are not catalyst pt's you can buy carbon fiber material and make them yourself and upgrade the drag washers, just trace your old ones onto the carbon and cut them out. they don't have to fit perfectly into the main/drive gear, just get them as close to perfect as you can and as long as the pressure washer fits into the gear it works fine, ive done this to several of my reels and the drags are a lot smoother. I cant remember where I got the carbon fiber but if I do I will post it for you..
  19. like stated above I would use your present set up for crappies, reason being is I have never known anyone to be able to cast say a 1/8oz jig on a baitcaster and even if you fish for them with live bait and slip bobbers,jig for them or drift I can tell you your spinning gear is a 100 times more suitable for crappies than baitcasting gear because of the smaller and lighter baits and presentations used. and I want to also add that the same thing goes for walleye fishing with the exception of trolling, in that case baitcasting reels are better suited. so I agree with the above poster that said to keep your spinning gear for crappie fishing and I will add walleye fishing. now for pike and bass baitcasters are essential for presentations using pike and bass lures with the exception being finesse fishing for bass with small baits and very light line wich you will be able to still use your spinning gear for that. as far as a 100-130 dollar budget and it being your first baitcaster set up I would buy the rod and reel separately and use the majority of it towards the reel, I didn't learn on one with a dual braking system but can tell you that I fished for years before trying one with a dual braking system and knew right away that had I started with one it would have made learning to cast way easier and faster because the centrifugal brakes and magnetic brakes together give you the ability to adjust them in smaller increments and get the best performance out of the reel versus just the magnetic braking system by itself. I have only used abu garcias and lews reels and do not know of them having a dual braking reel that would fit your budget even if you were only buying a rod, that being said I don't want to recommend any reel that I have never used. but there are some nice combos on the market that fit your price range from lews and abu Garcia. you can get any of the MAX combos from abu for about 100 bucks or less, I have a pro max combo(99.00) and have no complaints and also have 2 lews laser mg combos(99.00)and also like them and would recommend them both. I would have to say that the laser mg's cast a little smoother than the pro max but not much and it could just be the different line I have on them too.. buy either one, watch youtube videos and get some tips and start practicing with it. one tip I will give you, start with heavier line(15-20lb test) and heavier lures(1/2-3/4oz) and you will save yourself some headaches..
  20. I agree with EvanT123, I have an old BASS PRO GS SERIES IM6 rod that is close to if not over 15 yrs old and probably has a bazillion casts and fish caught with it(maybe not a bazillion but its been used ALOT)and I have not noticed any difference in the action or power whatsoever....
  21. funny? why? I have what would be considered cheap combos to most and when I fish with my buddys who have 300+ dollar rods and reels I have no problem holding my own with them and catch more than them sometimes. expensive combos don't catch more fish because they cost more, remember the best combo you have is the one between your ears and that's the one that determines what or how many you will catch.. I would show my combos but cannot figure out how to post them from my album.....


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