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Everything posted by BASSPATROL247

  1. Ahhhhh.. i call them wobble heads and assumed shaky heads were another name for them. I love the action you get when you shake the jig but dont move it and it dances stationary...so shaky heads are mushroom heads that stand up when on bottom?
  2. They were all 3 different rods, meaning they all were not the same lightning rods, the two spinning rods are a few years old and the casting lightning rod shock broke the second time i used it where the spinning rods lasted a year or two before breaking. The casting rod was a gift. Ive had lots of them o er the years and really liked em for the money but after the last few broke and berkleys customer service im done with them(berkley) as a whole...
  3. Sorry i for some reason thought u meant they wont hit artificials on beds, my mistake...
  4. Yep yep i knew all that except for the tails and sexes, id always been told just the girls get beat up tails wich kinda made sense since the biggest fish ive caught during and after the spawn had tore up tails and the females are the biggest but wasnt sure, bass here start bedding in early april normally too and the last spawners are usually done late may to about the first week of june, all these were caught in the last two weeks off beds..jave more but to big to upload..
  5. I truly beleive that the biggest bass in a population of a heavily pressured lake feed more at night than in daytime. At least thats my experience from 30+ years in my local lakes. Are they smart and wait till night to avoid boats and anglers? No not at they survive purely on instinct, could it be that their forage is easier to catch at night apposed to daytime and they exert less energy to feed therefore get big/bigger?? I beleive thats part of it and im sure genetics are too...just like people, some people have sports stars bodies naturally and dont have to work out to be built that way.. i beleive the biggest bass in a lake get big from their genes and are for the most part destined to get bigger than the rest if they can survive long enough to not end up being forage themselves...
  6. Its all good man, and yes all colors will work but darker colors with minimal(moonlight)light penetrating into the water are easier for them to see than lighter colors because of contrast like i and yourself stated..ive caught them on every color in the rainbow at night but darker colors have boated more for me ten fold...
  7. Yes and no?? Meaning some of each sex tails get beat from fanning beds but not all of both sex that r mature enough to spawn???
  8. The bluegills spawn right after the bass and theres usually a few bass spawning still when the gills move up and start to spawn, bluegills are almost all done romancing and the carp have been at it for a about two weeks now here in east central nebraska. Once carp get into a lake the vegitation starts disappearing wich affects all species and they grow fast and eat alot!! Only thing carp are good for is cutbait and a very good fight after wich when they lose they become cutbait ha ha ha... 110% bad for any gamefish species ie..bass,crappie,walleye etc... trouble here is when they impound a new flood control resivoir they usually put a no live bait regulation so they dont go from a minnow bucket to the lake, even if they dont get in that way all it takes is a pond or one of the creeks to flood and they find their way in the lake. If you fish lakes with live bait allowed and have no carp never never ever dump ur minnows in the lake when done, i ised to when i was young and dumm thinking i was helping the fish by feeding them when i was probably putting carp and god knows what else in the lake. All the lakes here have had carp since ive been alive except for a few but theyll end up in there eventually from high water periods ot an uneducated angler that dont know better...
  9. Nobody?? I was curious and all my max reels do this, some more than others. The pro max though does not make this noise...?????
  10. Ok??? Not sure what thats for???
  11. Google is one of my favorite tools but since i was already here i figured what the hey... Right on man! Ya cant get an answer without a question.. alot of terms on jere are foreign to me until explained and most cases i know of them by different names.. regional thing i guess..
  12. Im confused...who's buying technique specific gear?? Or did i miss something?
  13. I thought a shakyhead, was a jig but the actual head was hinged to the hook???
  14. All baits push water therefore they feel the bait? Do you think i think only certain colors work at night or what?? You seem to be trying to prove a point to me and im not sure what it is????
  15. I had three lightning rods and they all broke between the last two guides before the tip when landing fish, sent them to berkley and they told me all 3 were broke due to abuse or non fishing related use whatever that means.. garbage in my opinion amd would not recommend them...
  16. Excatly why blacks and blues work well at night...
  17. Not sure what your meaning by this, but when they are on beds it dont matter how artificial it looks they will hit purely out of instinct! If thats what you meant then i agree but i think you meant you need low light to fish bedding bass wich is comical to me..cornhusker bass that are on beds will hit anything at anytime ive never had to change a bait more than once to a different bait to get a bite after they wouldnt hit the first bait i tried..
  18. Look at the last one, i think thats their way of discouraging keeping MA fish...You get a certificate you could frame and they throw a pin in it for you if you receive the award based on length...
  19. I was not 100% accurate on requirements in nebraska, hope these show up....
  20. I hear ya but if you know what you turn in on the application is true then who cares if people wanna lie to get one so they can brag or whatever, you know yours is legit. Here we have the choice to keep it and call game and parks dept. And an officer or whoever will meet you somewhere with a certified scale(grocery store or another place, all i can think of lol) and verify it. Not sure how that makes it more "official" if your honest and going that route kills a nice fish wich myself i dont want to and will not do..
  21. I found that using the gill plate gives slightly lower weights than the bottom jaw close to the lip, on some scales ive used...
  22. Moderator would you please move this to the appropiate forum, i apologize...
  23. Next door in my part of nebraska an average 5 fish total for me would be about 15-18lbs... my buddy had two 6's two 5's and a 4 yesterday, about 28 total wich is AWESOME for us, caught several more in the 3 range. Lake rose about two feet the night before and caught them off rip rap very tight to the bank on senkos...funny thing is i caught one 6lber and he caught all the rest, same color and presentation...go figure
  24. Thats how it is here, whats it matter what the requirements are? If you know your telling the truth...
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