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Everything posted by BASSPATROL247

  1. I fish them on wobble heads,swing jigs or whatever you want to call them, im not so picky on brand but kinda partial to the gene lerew ones, the way they kinda roll side to side when you swim them i really like, i also will cast them and let them sit on the bottom for 5-10 seconds, sometimes for a minute or longer then pop them off the bottom or a long slow lift and let it settle ba ck on the bottom and it can be deadly sometimes,they usually hit it on the fall or when i pop it they will already have it. i let the bass tell me how to fish it though...
  2. My buddy has some and ive seen him whack em with them before...
  3. When i was younger(2yrs old they tell me) my grandpa started taking me fishing with him and one of my earliest memories is him telling me that you catch more fish using different baits and lures that everybody else uses because the fish get familiar and tend not to bite lures they see day after day..made sense to me back then but with all the studies and data thats available now most biologist say that fish only have about a 30 minute memory span.. i beleive this because ive caught bass before and an hour later have gone back to the spot i caught them and caught the same fish on te same lure. I guess my point is that how do bass get affected by fishing pressure if they cant remember what.. they did 30 mins ago? Kinda funny how we put so much time into trying to outsmart something that doesent have the ability to think and survive purely on natural instinct.. ive came to the conclusion that when the bites tough its actually not, its just our excuse why we cant catch them because what else could it be? They were biting yesterday or earlier??? Our best tool is our ability to understand bass behavior throughout the seasons, guys who understand that catch more fish than those that dont understand their behavior...
  4. Never heard of any clubs like that around here thank god, all our local lakes are are under 300 acres with most about 175-200 acres. That practice would decimate our lakes in no time. I dont know one person that keeps bass to eat. Before our 21 inch minimum length limit i would keep one or two once in a while when crappie fishing if the crappie were slow wich i beleive was a good thing in lakes that had way too many small fish. The biggest problem on some of our local lakes is "catch and release". When you can go out and catch 30-40 bass under 2lbs and nothing bigger keeping a couple would help the lake but with the 100% C@R approach that we all have pounded into our heads actually hurts those lakes like i mentioned..why the game and parks folks pt that regulation on these lakes is beyond me. Theres a few lakes i think the 21 inch limit is very good for but for most its gonna do nothing at all to improve avg size and will never produce big bass.. they say its too confusing for anglers to have to know different regs for each lake...really? Give me a break, every state bordering us with the exception of colorado have alot better fishing than we do and they manage their lakes on an individual basis for the most part. Our fisheries biologists are a joke... rant over☺☺☺☺
  5. Nebraska has the same thing showing MA's and u can also search lakes and years.. pretty cool...
  6. Did you see my post, first guess was WC or walnut creek. I fish there and shadow lake often. WC does get weedy around the banks in summer and so does prarie veiw but it didnt get as bad as WC until a couple years ago,hard from the bank but very fishable from a boat. PV gets hit hard and only being 38 acres those bass must think theyre at O'Hare from all the lures buzzin through the water, its my favorite lake to fish at night and thats where my PB came from.. if you dont have a boat you need to walk the trail to the west end where the bridge is and fish that creek from the mouth all the way west till the waters a couple inches deep, if your quiet amd dont use your headlight to shine on the water you can hammer back there with a craw its pretty deep about 8-10 feet until you get to the bridge where its about 6 and within 75 yards its a foot or so.. those nass stack up in there at night. Awesome spot because boats cant get back in the creek because of all the trees and laydowns in front of it...where can you get a boat in at shadow?? I never seen a ramp there. Your talking about shadow lake thats actually two lakes but theyre connected right? Not too far from walnut creek but north of 370?Heres one from PV at night, flip phone pic so its not a good pic... my Pb from the timber in front of the creek mouth...
  7. I hear ya man, to each his own☺
  8. Couple ounces, i wont and cant notice that...worth it to me regardless...
  9. Thats a horse in your avatar pic!!!!! Good jesus!!!
  10. If i was a guessing man id say a tad over or under 7lbs and id guess it wasvon a bed...
  11. Id say WC or W if it was in the last couple years, Z will be good in a couple years and same goes for PQ. How big did it go? Nice fish regardless...
  12. I know what your talking about with the screw lock to hold your bait, i always knew shaky head as a presentation, wich the way describe the presentation is how i fish a swing jig or wobble head as i know them, i also like round jigheads and a straight tail worm but i use jigheads that have a very very thin weed guard thats held in place behind the barb on the hook in cover and fish a floating worm on a jighead with no guard if cover is not too thick.. so in a way either one could be called a shaky head or wobble head since i(and everyone else i assume) fish both jigs the same way... i really like to fish soft plastic paddle tails or swimbaits(wichever you kNow them by) on a wobble head, gives it more action very similar to a chatter bait in how it rolls side to side on retreive...
  13. If the humidity is too high it will not set up and cure no matter how long you let it dry..i know this from experience on reels...like i said im gonma paint an old rod and see what results i get...wish rod blanks came in different cors, at least the ones i want...
  14. Why do you say no 301 in reels? Ive used bot h and get great results with no problems in my reels whatsoever...
  15. Oh i agree!! On them being very fun to catch and are every bit if not more challenging than most. species.. but they do alot of things that are not good for othef fish, more so than another species do to another..i still take a can of corn out sometimes and fish for them, wether i need cutbait or not...
  16. If you use the tsi one has a solvent in it so let them sit for a couple hours so it dissapates then a shot of compresses air to blow out whats left and your good for at least half the season if not longer...awesome stuff!! Cant remember wich one has the solvent..
  17. Tsi 301 or 321..i recommend using the same brand for everything to avoid cross contamination wich could make one or both not work very well....
  18. You have less power with the higher gear ratio..8:1.1 isnt an ideal flippin pitchin ratio imo but go with what you like, i prefer power o er speed for that presentation..
  19. They hold 160 of twelve on the bb1 and 150 on the superduty..bb1 has 6 pin centrifugal brake and the sd has external magnetic brakes..bb1 is 7.1:1 and the sd comes in 8.0:1 but is a tad heavier and 20 bucks more..id go super duty for the easy brake adjustment but for flippin id get the6.4:1...either way youll be happy, both reels are nice so ive heard, even their entry level reels are very good, i have a binch and love them.
  20. I always add a little bit of red to a rod or reel when i get it to make make it different than the rest wether it be the line guide,star drag,thumbar or a extra guide rap to put a personal touch to them. Anyone else do this or am i the only fool tht does lol!
  21. Hmmmm....when i get a new reel first thing i do is add a little bit of red to them by spray painting and then clear gloss both from a can, granted the part or whatever i paint dont bend or stretch but ive found that if you use same brand of paint and clear that it hardens up good and will not chip or flake off.. i have a gajillion old rods, guess i'll paint one of them and see how it turns out...
  22. Glad i posted that as id never ever do anything to damage my reels, every one i own still looks 99.8 percent as good as the day i bought them, ive retired reels that got a noticeable scratch on them before, by retired i mean my sons now own them, thats one of my pet peeves is rod and reel care,function and cosmetics..
  23. I did see it on youtube, they would time the spin after bearing upgrades. Only does it with reel turned up. Just checked all of them like yoh said and theres no noise and they work just fine...thanks guys!!
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