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Everything posted by BASSPATROL247

  1. BMC-7M (bucoo micro) and BB1HZL lews in 6.4:1
  2. i have rods in the 150-250 dollar range but my favorite rod/rods are the bucoo micros. imo you will not find a better rod as far as sensitivity and backbone or weight( under 4oz) for under about 250 bucks and the bucoos are about 100 bucks...like them more than my st croix tourney elite wich was double the price of the bucoo's...
  3. You can get a nut at most any hardware store to get u by for mow, dont need the cover to use the reel..
  4. Lots of good sub 100$ reels...just remember NEVER pay retail, with a lil homework you can find great deals for more that r less than 100$
  5. 4-5Lber is a good fish, Anything over 6 is very good....
  6. Agree with all above posts, swedish made round abu's are the best round reels there are..i beleive the C3's have 12lb drags on them but for fishing where casting lures is involved id spend the extra 20 bucks or so and get a C4 or other model with the thumbar apposed to the C3's push button i guess you could call it as you only use one hand to disengage the clutch insted of two for the C3.. take halfway good care of it and your kids can use them their whole lives...god i love those reels
  7. 3/8-1/2 oz chrome black back lipless, 3/8 chatterbait with any bluegill colored skirt and 4 inch paddletail trailer,3/8 jig blue/black skirt with a brown/orange craw trailer..
  8. Kinda off topic but i fish a few neighborhood ponds that have outlet pipes that drain into a creek and the day after a good rain when theres more outflow than normal bass stack up right below the falling water..can catch 10 bass in ten casts and then nothing, theyre sittin tjere mouths open, if i make 3 casts and no bite i know ive caught every one and its time to go downstream..
  9. Lots of those knobs are the same size, lots of different brand reels tension knobs are universal so u may have an old clunker reel wich its knob may fit it..
  10. In featureless ponds and small lakes i consider anything structure wether its a bottom composition change,some wood,dropoff etc..those waters any kind of transition will hold fish usually..say you got a flat thats 5 feet with weeds two feet from the surface, that edge really is no different than a 3 ft dropoff except instead of the bottom dropping off its the top of the weeds dropping off on the edge..
  11. And pay attention to the other boats and what theyre doing but never hesitate to try something different, sometimes it works out better...
  12. I like to study a map on bog lakes before fishing them,(lake i dont know)and i will eliminate 90% of the water and break the rest down into a hald dozen or so small areas and fish them hard..also thinking too much is usually your enemy on new big water..heck small water too... some lakes may have a zillion points etc...but theres always some that have something the majority dont be it a creek channel that swings up against it,some rock,vegitation or whatever..thats what id look for..
  13. Easy to get upset but like said above they know not what they do and simply just dont know any better...but. thats just common sense i think to not debo someones spot, unless your just plain ignorant wich byt he way dont mean ur stupid....just dont have a clue..
  14. Anyone have a zmax rod or combo and any thoughts on what it would work best for? I jave a 7' mh that id say is more heavy than mh and i use it for a frog rod...
  15. Dont know about pork but for me a 3-4 inch by an inch gill/crappie fillet on a jig outfishes any other trailer ive ever used...
  16. I love the bass assasin 4 inch turbo shad in electric chicken...that and the berkley ripple shad in white/glow with chartruese paddle/tail..
  17. Hands down my grandpa.... the first fishing show i can remember watching was virgil ward with my grandpa but before that he introduced me to fishing when i was 3 or so and i didnt know it at the time im sure but grandpa said i was "hooked" and he knew what he was talking about because ive fished my whole life and still love it and him and hope one day we'll fish together again up in the big lake in the sky.......
  18. Didnt say..search reel care and you'll see the article, really good one.
  19. I know i dont jave to replace mine every year but i do because i like to. And im callin BS on you should NEVER have to replace a bearing, ive had some go bad and all the cleaning and lubing in the world couldnt fix them, nothing last forever.i suppose the drag disks last forever too? Your nuttier than a snickers...NOTHING last forever including bearings no matter how or how often you clean them...
  20. There can never be too much of a good thing omo..as for a kayak and a 800 series being too big nobody should know better than you if it is, hows ur yak setup?? Do you have somewhere to put a ram mount? If your buying a boat next year i would get the 800 even if its a bit big for your yak because it will not be too big for your boat. As for being able to see it good the bigger the screen the better definition and detail youll see. If i remember righg the 7,8 and 900 series all had the same resolution or pixels..that being said remember in a kayak you will be very close to the screen at all times ao a smaller screen may work well but in your boat youll be farther away.. Lil tip with SI that i was given and its true no matter screen size, the farther out you scan on each side(you can look 300 ft, 150ft each side) the more detail you will lose at what your looking at. When im searching for bait,fish or structure wich is mostly my case i turn one side off and only look about 75ft to one side and the picture is way better, lot easier for the transducer to scan a small area and get more detail than a big area because its not as focused....
  21. I read an article from this site and the guy who wrote it said he read in an engineering handbook that abec1 bearings are rated to run at a sustained 32,000 rpm's greased and 38,000 rpm's oiled. I like him think that a baitcaster spool does not spin that fast and if if does it does not spin that fast but for only a second.. i beleive that pretty much tells me that bearings on a dremel at 5,000 rpm for 10 seconds will not hurt a reel bearing wich i would think is rated higher than abec 1 or eaual to abec1... so yeah...theyll be fine. He also did the math for a one inch spool filled with line and said if you could get it to spin at 32,000(or 38,000 i cant remember) rpm's your lure would be traveling 166ft per second....
  22. I would think tou could dang near cast across something that small..how long has this been going on? Been this way all summer? Was there a winter kill? Water that small in my experience the catch rates are pretty much always the same give or take and if all the sudden im not catching them like normal for a period of time something happened to the bass, some or alot died or someone went in there and removed a bunch, domt yake mjch at all to ruin a pond by over harvesting.
  23. I agree 110% the dremel is not gonna do no more harm than casting for a couple days..i was amazed how fast you can clean them, i clean my reels once a month and sometimes more but i fish ALOT more than most guys so it shouldnt take long to see if the dremels gonna mess them up... i dont think it wil the wah you told me to ise it...dont see it...
  24. Nice!!! I look at the jap anese sites all the time and they have some sweet stuff. Kinda ticks me off necause i am always looking for anything abu garcia wise like gear,clothes,bags etc.. and they have it all and theres hardly anything in the US market for sale
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