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BASSPATROL247 last won the day on June 15 2015

BASSPATROL247 had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 10/31/1975

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    omaha ne
  • My PB
    Between 9-10 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
  • Other Interests
    Tackle craft,tinkering...

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. BMC-7M (bucoo micro) and BB1HZL lews in 6.4:1
  2. i have rods in the 150-250 dollar range but my favorite rod/rods are the bucoo micros. imo you will not find a better rod as far as sensitivity and backbone or weight( under 4oz) for under about 250 bucks and the bucoos are about 100 bucks...like them more than my st croix tourney elite wich was double the price of the bucoo's...
  3. You can get a nut at most any hardware store to get u by for mow, dont need the cover to use the reel..
  4. Lots of good sub 100$ reels...just remember NEVER pay retail, with a lil homework you can find great deals for more that r less than 100$
  5. 4-5Lber is a good fish, Anything over 6 is very good....
  6. Agree with all above posts, swedish made round abu's are the best round reels there are..i beleive the C3's have 12lb drags on them but for fishing where casting lures is involved id spend the extra 20 bucks or so and get a C4 or other model with the thumbar apposed to the C3's push button i guess you could call it as you only use one hand to disengage the clutch insted of two for the C3.. take halfway good care of it and your kids can use them their whole lives...god i love those reels
  7. 3/8-1/2 oz chrome black back lipless, 3/8 chatterbait with any bluegill colored skirt and 4 inch paddletail trailer,3/8 jig blue/black skirt with a brown/orange craw trailer..
  8. Kinda off topic but i fish a few neighborhood ponds that have outlet pipes that drain into a creek and the day after a good rain when theres more outflow than normal bass stack up right below the falling water..can catch 10 bass in ten casts and then nothing, theyre sittin tjere mouths open, if i make 3 casts and no bite i know ive caught every one and its time to go downstream..
  9. Lots of those knobs are the same size, lots of different brand reels tension knobs are universal so u may have an old clunker reel wich its knob may fit it..
  10. In featureless ponds and small lakes i consider anything structure wether its a bottom composition change,some wood,dropoff etc..those waters any kind of transition will hold fish usually..say you got a flat thats 5 feet with weeds two feet from the surface, that edge really is no different than a 3 ft dropoff except instead of the bottom dropping off its the top of the weeds dropping off on the edge..
  11. And pay attention to the other boats and what theyre doing but never hesitate to try something different, sometimes it works out better...
  12. I like to study a map on bog lakes before fishing them,(lake i dont know)and i will eliminate 90% of the water and break the rest down into a hald dozen or so small areas and fish them hard..also thinking too much is usually your enemy on new big water..heck small water too... some lakes may have a zillion points etc...but theres always some that have something the majority dont be it a creek channel that swings up against it,some rock,vegitation or whatever..thats what id look for..
  13. Easy to get upset but like said above they know not what they do and simply just dont know any better...but. thats just common sense i think to not debo someones spot, unless your just plain ignorant wich byt he way dont mean ur stupid....just dont have a clue..
  14. Anyone have a zmax rod or combo and any thoughts on what it would work best for? I jave a 7' mh that id say is more heavy than mh and i use it for a frog rod...
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