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Everything posted by smr_hga

  1. Yeah i'll be carving.
  2. When in doubt, throw a jig! I have caught bass, catfish, trout, sunfish, and flounder using this tactic.
  3. I've been fishing a private lake across the street for two years now and have never even seen another person there ever. The best part is i literally can't remember the last time i haven't caught a bass there. I think private pomd bass are also more likely to bite popular lures due to the fact that they probably havent seen them before.
  4. I have family in WV that i normally visit annually. I tried to go to Buffalo Fork Lake but i had to go home before i could fit it in. Anyways i am definetly going there first next year because i failed horribly fishing in streams due to my pond heritage. I've heard there are smallmouths and trout in that lake and would really like to catch them there. Trout are tasty and fun and i will never get a chance catching a smallmouth here in FL due to the warmwater. So if anyone has fished here before please give me some advice on how to cach fish there. (Also i'll be land fishing)
  5. I am planning to learn how to make lures soon. I've done a good bit pf research but there's one final question i have (hopefully) what wood is the best? The two main ones i've heard of are cedar and balsa. But i've also heard that cedar is expensive and that balsa wears down quicker than other woods. So what wood would you guys suggest?
  6. Thanks but no thanks. I don't have any paint or anything to make lures with yet.
  7. Ok one last question. What thickness of plexiglass do you use. Thanks for everything
  8. Ok thanks for clearing that up. I always thought that they were very similar. Perhaps it's just a wiper or something.
  9. In MD Striped bass are somewhat commonly found landlocked. However the stripers in MD are closely related to white perch. That may be the case but it could also be a striper or perhaps a crossbreed.
  10. I suppose your talking about landlocked stripers. I've only ever caught one before with a worm and it was only about 8 inches. They get confused with white perch and white bass a lot. However it should look like this...
  11. Each pond is unique. It can take a lot of experience to "master" a pond. But small ponds generally mean small bass. So try to match your lures to your fish. Try something small like a jig or senko or even a tiny crankbait. Just keep switching it up until you find what works well. You may even find success in live bait.
  12. Wow thats pretty cool how did you get the scale effect?
  13. As long as its not muddy or gross it should be safe. Bluegill are really sweet and one of my favorite fish to eat. However they are difficult to fillet, in my opinion the best way is to clean them is to chop off their head and spoon their guts out. Then grill them and when you go to eat them the meat will come right off the bones.
  14. What do you use for the bill, will googly eyes work, and what tools do i need. Thanks lol.
  15. Man i thought i won the lottery lol.
  16. I've been thinking about learning how to make homemade lures. I've never done any sort of woodworking in my life so it would probably be somewhat difficult and really expensive to start but in the long run it's probably cheaper. Also if i ever get good enough i could make some cash off of it as well. But if i am to start something like this i'll need some tips from people who have done this sorta thing. Any advice guys?
  17. I got a new crankbait a few days ago. Turns out it's pretty effective. Yeah... I talked to everyone i know and no one says they've ever heard of that happening. I've seen people catch two fish at once while surf fishing with multiple hooks. But I never thought it would be possible with a fish as aggressive and quick as bass and a single lure. So has anyone ever heard of this?
  18. I will just be driving by. I'm coming from Daytona if that helps. Also i'll have to fish from land there.
  19. I am planning to go to a Marlins or Dolphins game down in Miami since i have never been there. Of course, i might as well bring my rod along considering there are exotic fish like peacock bass, snakehead, tilapia, etc that i don't have acess to where i am. So i am wondering where are some good spots for these species and how can i catch them?
  20. Well i'm gonna need a lot of backing because i plan to fish for grass carp!
  21. Also i know it would be a lot of work but for me, and i think for most people, the more species the better!
  22. Gotta have fresh and saltwater fish. Many types of lures. Perhaps an aquarium to grow fish and sell them for more when they are bigger. Also make sure there are plenty of quests because catching virtual fish for little to no reason can get boring. And for pete sake do NOT make the leveling sytem to tedious! (I love playing mobile games so hopefully this will help)
  23. What line is needed? I've heard of backing, leaders, and normal line. What is this stuff and is it necessary?
  24. I've been thinking about trying fly fishing since it can be a fun way to catch bass and is apparently succesful with catching grass carp which i have been trying to catch for a long time now with no success. Also i sometimes visit family up north and love fishing for trout up there. So i'd like to know how much fly gear would cost and if it is worth the investment.
  25. In June i was up in West Virginia and caught my first trout. Everyone one else was fly fishing and i just had my bass rod . I decided to use good ol' bucktail jig since it looked the most like a fly lure. I had a few bites including a HUGE rainbow that i got to the shallows but then he did a barrel roll and tossed my lure along with every other trout i hooked. As a matter of fact these guys were worse than bass! Luckily i eventually caught a 16in 1 1/2lb rainbow as my first trout and invited him home for dinner. My question is what lures have you guys caught trout on? (Not including flies)
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