I'll be coming up on a somewhat difficult decision soon considering i have 0 knowledge on surf fishing. Yes, i know they're bass lures but i have no other options.
Here are my choices:
Rebel Pop-R
Johnson's Silver Minnow Weedless Spoon
Spinnerbait W/ Saltwater Jig
Square Bill Crank
I once went to a tiny muddy pond in search of fish. Since i don't know whats in there i tied on a buckatil jig (AKA ol' faithful) I found one spot where i could just toss my jig in and slowly drag it across the bottom. On my first cast there was suddenly a resistance as if it were stuck. I set the hook anyways and turned out i hooked something. I ended up with my first catfish which was really exciting. I kept casting in the same place and caught about 15 cats and 1 8in bass. I don't know why people dislike catfish, they pull really hard and start doing a "death roll" when they get close to the bank. They are probably the strongest freshwater fish out there.
Jigs can be tricky at first, when i first started i sometimes thought i had a bite when i really just ran into a patch of weeds lol. However when you get a bite, you'll know it, it will be as if your jig just thumped into a wall. Like most lures when you feel that resistance, set the hook with confidence and you'll get a lot of hookups.
Yeah if anything the bluegill will be eating the bass XD TBH they pull harder than the bass XD Only reason i fish for bass more often is because it's easier to get the hook out of a bass' mouth than a tiny bluegill mouth lol
Ok i have a simple question here; will snap swivels limit the movement of certain lures? I know snap swivels actually aid lures like spoons, but will they mess up the movement of other lures like topwater, crankbait, spinnerbait, etc?
My rod is a Penn pursuit graphite and my reel is a Penn pursuit 6000 (spinning)
I have four lures that id be willing to use in this order:
Rebel Pop-R
Square Bill Crank
Johnson Silver Minnow Weedless Spoon
And a Spinnerbait that i equipped with a saltwater jig (which i have caught bass with)
The mullet run has begun! After seeing a video on youtube of people fishing topwater here in florida and catching tons of bluefish, jack, etc i think its time to get out their myself! Anyways i've never done surf fishing but i think i'm gonna take the approach they were which was throwing arftificials with a short 6' 6" rod. It just so happens that i have a 6' 6" saltwater rod and reel spinning combo equipped with 15lb mono that will hopefully get the job done. However i have no saltwater lures but i dont really think the fish care whether its a bass lure or not
My main concern is that i may not be able to cast very far due to the weight of my lures... So i would like to know whether my setup will suffice and what lures you would reccomend. I am hoping to catch my first non-pinfish saltwater fish.
Fortunately there happens to be a fountain in the middle of the pond. Also the bluegiil are indeed copper noses and now that you mention it, i have seen smaller bluegill around 6 inches occasionally in the shallows. Ironically enough, i do plan to get a dark colored bluegill swimbait lol.
From what i know the pond was built around when the houses were, although im not too sure so i could be completley wrong. It's a reservation pond where water is taken for sprinklers in people's yards. The size is about 4 acres but i'm horrible at judging acres so i'll make sure to get a picture of it next time i go to see what you guys think. I should also mention that they are stocked in there with just Bluegill and recently grass carp were added to maintain the algae growth. The bluegill are also HUGE. I can't seem to catch any under 9 inches...
So i honestly don't think the food supply is that great. Alot of times they'll be hanging out by a patch of weeds right by the bank. (My PB was also right by the bank) I've even seen them grab insects off the top of the water. Ok, one last thing, there are a few water outlets around the bank of the pond where i sometimes find the monsters hiding and also a turtle lol.
I've noticed something while fishing at my local pond. The average bass size has gone up! I've lived in florida here for almost 3 years now and i've realized that the bass are bigger. The community i live in is only about 4 or 5 years old so the bass im catching were probably there since the beggining. Anyways the old average size was about 12in. Now it is more like 14in! I have even caught 3 17+ inchers this year which fit into my top 4 biggest fish caught there (with the biggest being my 24in PB) Anyways, out of curiosity i would like to learn some stuff about the growing rates of bass. So if someone could share some knowledge on this it would be much appreciated
Whenever i go bass fishing i just use my trusty crankbait. If that doesn't work (it almost always catches something) then i switch to a bucktail jig and catch a bass with that. Perhaps its just that i know my neighborhood pond so well that i can pick it apart with any lure or maybe all this talk about using different lures in different situations is just made up or something lol. Anyways do you guys believe in this stuff and if so can you give me some tips on when to use different lures. I do know to use a topwater in clear conditions but thats about all i know...
I've only ever fished on a boat once and that was on an offshore charter. All i caught was an 11in sea bass, 8in red snapper and a 6in grunt... The funny thing was all the noobs around who have never fished before were pulling up Amberjacks all day... Maybe i'm just ment to be stuck on land.
Depends whether you want fishing gear or groceries...
For me the BPS in Orlando is amazing! Walmart isnt bad ethier though... However it is hard to say which is better since Orlando is the only BPS i've been to.
I am planning to go kayaking here in the Indian River. Of course, as an avid fisherman, my rod is coming with me! Unfortunately i have never done kayak fishing or kayaking in general so i could use some advice from you guys! First things first, i have some Gulp shrimp (penny) in stock and have my eye on a super spook jr. Any other lures or tips for this noob?
I've heard of it... There are some in my pond and i've tried catching them with corn but had no luck. So now i just stick to bass fishing with artificials. But as long as a grass carp is a possibility, i'm keeping my drag fairly low no matter what i'm using.
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