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Everything posted by smr_hga

  1. Well I got my first mirrolure some time ago and I have a few questions. What are the differences between the floating, suspending, and sinking twitchbaits? Mine is sinking and i haven't caught anything with it yet. Help?
  2. Well i had 3 blowups today to confirm yalls advice. However they all missed so the spook is still fishless
  3. Well i got my first super spook jr (bone) a while ago. I tried it out a bit but haven't got any strikes. I'm doing the walk the dog motion you're supposed to do. I'm somewhat concerned that it is too big for the bass in my pond (12-16"). The lure is 3.5" I believe. How big is too big for smaller bass? Anyway i'm gonna try it again soon since topwater seems to be heating up and its the only heavy topwater i have. (I like casting distance). Any tips would be appreciated.
  4. Well excuse me, i got my brands wrong. Sorry I haven't looked at the case in a while. Anyway it's a storm wildeye bluegill. The body is soft and the nose is weighted. It's 5/16oz and 3" long, which like i said, is perfect size for my bass.
  5. Well i've been using these livetarget live series bluegill swimbaits for a while now, and i've only ever caught one bass on them. The bass at my pond have only one other species in there with them, bluegill. So you would think i'd get a good amount of bites with this swimbait right? The swimbait is like perfect size for the bass here so i dont know what else could be wrong. When i fish it i just retrieve at a steady pace occasionally pausing. Why am i not getting more bites?
  6. There is a shopping center where i live and in the middle is a 5 acre-ish pond. It is very beautiful without much excess vegetation and good water quality etc. Anyway i saw someone fishing there with bass gear and there are no signs stating otherwise so i think i will try to fish there maybe sometime in June. Any tips for catching fish a new pond like this? I did see a school of coppernose bluegill once but besides that i dont know any other species. I would love to catch a variety of species so suggest away.
  7. I'm not even a Cowboys fan but that Dez Bryant play in the playoffs still made me mad.
  8. Here in Florida there are these little lizards that are always around, anoles i think they're called. So i picked up some Zoom 6" green pumpkin lizards. The only pond i fish on a regular basis is my neighborhood pond. With that being said, i can say with confidence that these are the greatest lures of all time. Watermelon seed as mentioned above is also great. Try a texas rig, they love it when it sinks since its limbs flail around like a grub. Matter of fact i caught 7 bass in 1 1/2 hours on a texas rig yesterday. Overall great lure and i'd highly recommend it to anyone especially if you live in Florida.
  9. Dang yall be losing more than i have in all my tackle boxes. I haven't lost anything all year so far, tie your knots tighter lol.
  10. Thanks, i just ordered that, now we wait.
  11. I caught 7 today on a zoom lizard. Looking good.
  12. Yeah i've never had that happen either...
  13. Well if you want to catch multiple species than you might as well use a multi species lure. Try a spoon, maybe a kastmaster, about 1/4oz. The thing you have to understand about saltwater/brackish is how big of a role the tide plays. I'm not exactly the best person to help you here, but if you want to target catfish, use live bait, and big tackle. Maybe your setup should look something like this: Bass Rod: (The spoon i mentioned, maybe a jig) Bait Rod: Shrimp on a small hook and sinker (for bait) Catfish Rod: a heavy duty setup with live/cut bait from your shrimp rig
  14. What species will you be targeting?
  15. I don't have a pic on the device i am using (ipad) but i my profile pic is its tail. Length: 24in Weight: 7lbs or so (didnt have scale so just guessing) Gear: 1/16oz Beetle Bou Jig (5' ugly stick spincast combo XD) Date: April 8 (coming up on 1yr anniversary) Location: My neighborhood pond here in FL that i still fish at.
  16. Anything like that <$18?
  17. Not sure what forum to put this in so i apologize if this is the wrong one. Anyway, i want to but a scale. My budget is $18 which i know is cheap but i'm not looking for anything great, just something small to weigh my bass. The max size doesnt have to be great either, maybe like 25lbs. Also i'd prefer not to have a scale with a hook because i don't want to stab up my fish anymore than i have to. Anyone know something that fits my requirements?
  18. Ok I'm here again with another update, today I tested out my new Rapala jointed minnow. I liked the action but it was not heavy enough to cast far enough to get much past the vegetation. At this point i was fed up. I noticed that the little gecko lizard things that live here have started coming out. So i decided to equip this ponds greatest lure of all time... a Zoom Lizard plastic! A few casts in i had to answer my phone just after making a cast. When i reeled up the slack there was lots of pressure on the rod, i had either hooked a fish or hooked ten pounds of weeds. It didnt really fight at al but it was indeed a bass. Sadly it was gut hooked. I tried very hard to get the hook out but the fish had started bleeding so i decided i had to cut the line. I manged to save my weight and plastic but lost a hook and possibly the life of a bass. I did catch 3 more bass though, almost all 3 came on the drop, i felt a distinct "tap tap" and made 3 solid hooksets for 3 solid bass. Overall a pretty good day.
  19. Its been around 72 the past couple days here. Which i guess is a cold front since it was like 78 earlier.
  20. I'm not sure how "young" you are but i am 13 myself and know the struggles of getting money for gear. You say you are fishing for bass. What i want to know is how much fishing experience you have in general. Also you should not try to be spooked by all the choices of gear out there. Pretty much any rod, reel, or line will catch you a bass. If you are seriously low on cash you might as well go to your local walmart pick up a cheap, prespooled, spinning combo for like $20. If you have more money available, then here is what i'd suggest personally. Go online and look for a Abu Garcia Black Max 6'6" medium action combo. If you are as young as me a bigger rod may be more uncomfortable and less fun. The combo i mentioned was $60 for me, overall a great deal. If it is not prespooled, then pick up some 8lb monofilament, with that you can cover a good amount of water without losing bigger bass. Whatever you do just remember that almost any combo will catch fish. If you are new to bass fishing you may have a hard time figuring out how to catch them. Do not get discouraged, we are here for you
  21. Hey guys, i'm here to report what happened this time fishing there. I just bought a couple new lures so i went to test them out. I used a baby bass super fluke on a 1/4oz jig head and a MirroLure sinking twitchbait on another rod. I may have missed a couple bites throughout the trip but due to the vegetation i'm not sure. Anyway i landed only one fish today on the super fluke. I walked by one of the causeway/spillway thingies and tossed my super fluke down there. A bass just nailed it out of nowhere and that was all i caught for the day. Also i would appeciate if someone could tell me how to fish the Mirrolure, because i am stil confused by it.
  22. No its not sticky or anything out of the normal. You are right about the bass being under it. I saw many bass inside the vegetation but there was no way to get to them. Its not hopeless though, i didn't get skunked and i've only tried a few different baits. Do you reccomend finesse or reaction baits for the next expedition?
  23. Lol not an option and my parents dont fish. Guess i'll have to wait a couple years... In the meantime i'll hopefully overcome this issue and/or the vegetation will return to normal.
  24. Well its the only spot within walking distance, and i'm not old enough to drive myself, so i'm kinda stuck :|
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