Caught this small guy (7 inches) on a piece of shrimp earlier this afternoon fishing a causeway during some wet conditions. Haven’t been able to ID the species yet, I’m thinking it’s some sort of blenny but that’s all I got, does anyone know what this is?
So there's this small pond I recently decided to fish. It is no more than an acre but it is manmade and I assume stocked. I used a three way swivel rig with two small jigs. I was able to get a lot of bites from small panfish and I caught 2 small bluegill. However, I did briefly spot a massive bass near the bank (pretty sure it was a bass) about 22 inches I would say. I'm wondering what lure I should use to catch bass or any other species that may also live in there. I've caught bass before on this rig but I just find it strange that every single bite was from a panfish (they were all quick nibbles). There could also be carp, crappie, catfish or whatever also living in there and I would like to catch as many different species as possible. Does anyone have any advice for these small ponds?
Thanks everyone. The pond I have in mind is surrounded by houses and some of the homeowners like to throw bread into the pond to feed the fish. So I think I'll try bread to catch some bait fish. I guess I have nothing to lose and it would be cool if I ran into a new species. Let's just hope I don't hook into a grass carp accidentally xD
Is there a bait that works well for bait sized bluegill? I've caught some huge coppernose bluegills on small spinnerbaits but they're too big to use for live bait.
So I haven't been fishing in like 6 months. It's not really my fault since it's hard to get my parents to take me anywhere seeing as I'm still 14. But i should be resuming my adventures soon. With that said I want to learn about bait fishing here in Florida. Obviously I use shrimp a lot for saltwater but what about using worms or something in freshwater? When I lived in Maryland I used to dig up worms and catch all sorts of fish at my local pond. I'm kinda tired of lure fishing for dink bass. So maybe some Florida guys could tell me about bait fishing for multi species, or even bait for monster bass because I'd like to change up my approach a little.
Yeah it could be pure cutthroat, i've only caught one trout in my life so i can't say i'm an expert on them, but i still love multi species fishing and try to be as of much help as i can be on these "ID" posts. The body looks very much like a rainbow imo, with the spots on the back, not to mention the fins look like a rainbow to me as well. Cutthroats i see seem to have a different body to them, if that makes any sense.
Honestly i'd love to catch anything. I love catching new species and i've never caught a redfish, bluefish, jack, mackerel, flounder etc. So basically whatever bites. Maybe if i catch a smaller baitfish (ladyfish?) i could use it for live/cut bait.
Well it seems i may be surf fishing for the very first time soon. (If the weather holds up anyway). Anyways here is my setup, Its an old 12ft rod given to me by my grandfather. I paired it with a Penn spinning reel and 15lb mono. Now the rod and reel should hold up but i know that i should maybe have heavier line, 15lb is my heaviest line though so i'll have to work with that. As for rigging i will just use a bottom rig with circle hooks and a 3oz pyramid sinker. Now my real question is what to use for bait. I have frozen shrimp and squid will either be effecient? Thanks for the help and any other advice is welcome.
I'm looking for a spinning combo under $100 that i cam use for bass and some inshore kayak fishing. I'm considering the Ugly Stik GX2, the 6' or 6'6" version especially. Any good suggestions?
Hey guys. I might try to keep some saltwater fish soon. Something like flounder, snapper, or sheepshead. I was wondering your favorite methods on cleaning and cooking these fish. I've only ever filleted one fish before so i could use some help. Thanks.
More like shark bait. I caught this on a charter and the crew said i could keep it so i hooked it up as live bait. Within a moment i had something that mustve been 200lbs or something crazy because i was hanging on for dear life. It ended up snapping the line so i guess we will never know.
I caught this guy last summer on an offshore charter. I have passed it off as a White Grunt since but i am really starting to doubt it. Someone please help?
If you aren't sure exactly where you will be fishing try something versatile like a jig or spoon maybe. I'm no Chesapeake expert at all but those will probably be your best bets.
Yes i'm aware of that and i do plan to also use them inshore one day. But right now i'm too young to drive myself and my parents dont fish. So for those reasons i am stuck at my neighborhood pond.
Now you have heard my sad story of the boy who hasn't ever caught a redfish, snook, trout, etc. ;(
So i've seen these swimbaits online, they're Savage Gear 3D Line Thru. I also happen to be looking for a swimbait like that, the 6" baby bass version specifically. Anyone use these baits, had any luck?
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