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Everything posted by jgordon

  1. I was going until everything froze. Right now just fighting urges to keep buying stuff haha. Planning on trying out new stuff for me this year and getting away from my go to baits.
  2. Wow those look great man nice work
  3. I also havent got the bite off these yet. Granted I have only tried out the Big Texan color which usually does well at certain spots. I will be giving them a run for money this coming year though.
  4. So I recently purchased some of this from local tackle shop and have been dipping random plastics. Well last night saw some pack of craws I just got the Zman elastic ones didnt know they cant be dipped. I dipped it and the line were I dipped the claws just cut off cleanly. Just made me chuckle guess wont be trying that one again and word of advice to others to not mix the two haha.
  5. Wow thanks for the tips and yeah I tied a bobber to this on in the middle with little slack since the water level is up. Might not been best idea I got snagged up in that today haha. So had to bust out the kayak and shortened the line. I think your idea would be more ideal. I have only tossed out one so far might build up couple more we shall see.
  6. So I took your advice and smeared some concrete on it. It didnt pan out like I thought but think will help a little. I have the second to try a different technique. As I chucked it out in the water today I realized forgot to add the branches so the next one will get this added to it. Might try toss it out the other one this weekend. Thanks again for the tips
  7. I cant wait got my email saying mines heading my way. Thanks again cant wait to try these out
  8. Speaking on that picture can you find it anywere with the bass in the bowl. I cant find anywhere know I saw on facebook somowhere
  9. My favorite thing about this company are the names of the baits. I have tried the hemotoba and had good luck with it in clear and muddy water. They seem to last for a a good amount of fish as well.
  10. Thanks for the tips Gulf Captain for the tips I will be adding the concrete. Bluebasser yea I have see the stripe photos. I got idea from the balls I see they sale that are round and you add the pvc to them.
  11. So made couple things with pvc filled with concrete thoughts? The plan is have then just laying down with all the 1/2" parts sticking up. Just something to have some shelter and to have my own little hot spot hopefully haha. Any suggestions or ideas if this might work or not. As of now have nothing really structure wise in the water. Just rock shores and not actually in the water
  12. Well I also just picked up some of these because of the overwhelming good things. I had only heard not durable but that they will tear and to just keep mend with you. I planned on trying these out Friday wish me luck
  13. Well as of today they have four packs left. I ended up buying two more packs of the ewg hooks. Only thing left are 4/0 standard shank I believe
  14. Well I went ahead and placed an order even though Im not great with the jig fishing. Thanks again cant wait to try them out.
  15. That first picture is what was left after I took what I wanted. Its on clearance aisle by lawn and garden. They did have issues ringing it up would say $3 but then show $6.96 but they manual had to input $2 each
  16. Was shopping and browsed the clearance section and saw assortment of sizes of Trokar hooks $2 a pack. These are normally $6.96 I bought five packs got all sizes. This is at Derby KS Walmart still had the packs left so if anyone needs some good quality hooks check it out
  17. After thinking this place was stunted caught couple nice ones day.
  18. Went today with couple other member and we got one fish all day. Threw lots of options and skunked. Oh well guess day on water beats whatever else would have done today. Anyone have tips tricks on what people are using out here? Heard lots of people pull lunkers out but no one today did
  19. Well haha you had to say that about the swivel didnt lose a fish but the barrel on swivel broke and I lost a frog fishing yesterday. Haha never had a problem so thanks for jinxing me. Looks like be direct tie ons from now on
  20. Hes having fun ive been getting pics randomly throughout day making me jelly that I am at work
  21. hit up Watson park yesterday and struck out. We have had luck few times but last two or three times no bites nothing
  22. So where did you pull this majestic beast from hmmm???? hahah give up the honey hole
  23. Holy cow good job buddy nice fish
  24. I like the swivel because I swap out baits alot. Until I can end up getting another bait caster Ill be keeping it this way.
  25. Hit emery again to try frogs no luck. Did however get this little one on a bait I found while at nature center. Never used these rattle cranks or any cranks before and got this off first cast. Then nothing next hour or so haha.
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