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Everything posted by jgordon

  1. Wow our local Dicks stopped selling tackle a year ago I found out two weeks ago only online now.
  2. Yes thats it french pearl.
  3. I have had some success with the bluegill pattern one I have also broke the bills off couple times my own fault. I still like them a lot seem to get bit for me when I find some cleaner waters around my parts.
  4. I do enjoy like others have said nice fluke weightless or the 3/16th weight. That or a buzzbait haha
  5. https://www.menards.com/main/tools/tool-storage/socket-organizers-small-parts-bins/plano-reg-lockjaw-trade-62-compartment-double-cover-adjustable-small-parts-organizer/5231-01/p-1444450815710-c-9189.htm?tid=2711925009220325704&ipos=17 I fish out of Kayak and use the top for terminal and add a few zerust tabs then the bottom for baits and it fits nicely under my seat. I would take photo but phone little wonky at the moment but its held up last couple years I was concerned about the top with those plastic tabs but it has worked wonders.
  6. Yeah I have started stocking already due to this issue last year. I noticed already some stores low on things again.
  7. Watching him just have that JJ Magic all over table and fingers I get anxiety and can smell it through computer haha.
  8. Our local Dicks quit selling fishing gear over a year ago I found out last week only online anymore.
  9. I am curious as well although I have about half dozen or so chatter baits I never find fish with them. Now do I give them enough line time? Maybe not haha this year I plan on trying more things and not even bringing go to stuff with me part of the time.
  10. Yeah thanks thats what I was thinking of doing but then couldn't find other things actually in stock haha. More stuff I really dont need but the hooked me. Thanks for the info I will probably end up that route. I guess better hurry since colors out of stock.
  11. Ahh the powerplant dang I will check those out thank you sir. We usually do a week long trip but lately its been to Pittsburgh strip pits and Bone creek buddies favorite place. I have seen some nice fish in the strip pits but usually only get the smaller ones to play.
  12. Does anyone know where to buy these besides Karls? I know might not be best bait but I am intrigued I am not having much luck locating any.
  13. Oh I have heard of a few lucky people that have. I just not sure I fish those said lakes I think one has dried up since or something Woodson maybe? I can't recall now if you want to give out some of your secret spots haha. I have a buddy and he has followed you awhile used talk about you all the time from here. I forgot about this forum since we haven't got to really fish lately. I look forward to being much more active on here now though.
  14. I always thought about doing this will just a gill form the pond out back but then realized even they need much larger tank than I would want to do so I just passed on the idea.
  15. Haha ain't that the truth. Ugh the thought of a double digit for Kansas boy sigh
  16. I have only done the catch and cook with crappie and gills fried up battered in some franks hot sauce was pretty good.
  17. I have only had luck with all white one. To be fair I rarely use since kayak fishing.
  18. Yes learned this the hard way haha get to the lake the next day 3/4th bait gone haha lesson learned just laughed it off. Basically had to throw away 3 packs of zman.
  19. A few years back a buddy and I fishing in the rain in Kayaks and started tossing spinner baits randomly and it was one of the best couple hours of fishing ever had they went nuts. Maybe the rain didn't have anything to do with it but they tore up that old War Eagle spinner bait for both of us. Then the lightning rolled in so we had to park it for little bit and eat lunch.
  20. Haha this thing is great I love that they are making just whatever. If nothing else cool to just have hanging around. Its like the whopper plopper to me I have fished the crap out of it and must be doing it wrong one fish in farm pond. The sound though makes me laugh when using it.
  21. Pretty much like a few others have mentioned. I have have had 8 in the yak at once and then realized its too much and then in rod holders getting hit in trees. Nowadays at most 4-5 and I just lay them down. I only have a crappy Ascend 12ft or whatever its called.
  22. A buddy and i were just there over thursday-sunday in yaks and had a blast. Lots of 3-4lbrs couple close to five and he got a new pb of 6.98. Mainly texas rigged black and blue structure bugs and some spinner baits seemed to be the ticket.
  23. Yeah I have a buddy goes every weekend. Ive gone couple times and pulled out a few dinks nothing great but still a fish is a fish
  24. If anyone in KS looking for some lures for 50% off Goodard Ace Harware closing up and have some things. I picked everything up in picture for $15 some stuff bought for a goof like that eel and leech. Who knows maybe ill get something. THey had a bit of crank bait and plastics when I was there today
  25. Where are you fishing with the power plant lake? I am also in KS and would possibly like to branch out a little
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