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Everything posted by jgordon

  1. Can you post pics of the paint lifting? I have been using auto clear and havent had any issues are you letting the paint cure out long enough? Also what are you painting the baits with what sort of paint?
  2. Horizontally I was trying to post picture and it wasn't working out I will later if I remember
  3. https://www.lowes.com/pd/ClosetMaid-White-Shelving-Upright-Common-1-in-x-84-in-x-0-625-in-Actual-1-in-x-84-in-x-0-625-in/1001553
  4. I use the metal shelving brackets like at lowes and do the same thing has the slots in it works great
  5. One of my favorite things to do while kayaking finding lures while out fishing. I recently decided to build a shadow box with my found treasures. I haven't done it yet but will towards end of the season.
  6. Owner all the way for me
  7. After some feedback we are set on it haha. We aren't the best clear deep water fisherman thank you for the tip I will pass this on. I would love to try get some smallies. We were looking at Lake Eucha? now possibly also
  8. Well thank you fellas yeah we aren't great at deep fishing haha and electronics hmm we might need to look at something else. Also bowfishing might just be a back up if the randomly saw something so thank you for that info.
  9. A buddy and I are planning a trip to somewhere in OK for a a few days. This will be around end of April we are thinking or mid April. We have heard good things about Arbuckles but thought would ask advice on any other lakes maybe might be worth checking out for Bass fishing and bwofishing at night. Any tips or thoughts appreciated. We are coming from Kansas and just wanted to try out new water.
  10. I picked up a few since I wanted to try headhunters but nothing available in colors. THen I think someone on here recommended them from the forums. I have a few colors to try out this year and they are in stock at my local Cabelas under crappie section section of all places.
  11. I am planning on lots of new things this year including swin baits like the bull shad and others hard swim baits myself. Well thats the plan anyway see what actually happens. Also crankbaits I need to throw those as well more hard baits for me Crazy I love the buzz I throw it when I know probably not catching fish old Cavitron all day haha.
  12. I have one and have yet to catch a fish looks like swims decent I don't have a lot of confidence in swim baits I am hoping to change that this season.
  13. I love me some War Eagles 3/8 Blue Herring color seems to work great for me in Kansas. Additional bonus our local Academy had them on clearance so at $2.85 a piece I bought about all they had so should be stocked up for awhile now.
  14. I am looking forward to trying them out this year havent used before but I have stocked up on a few of the baits this year. Just need this snow to go away and get on the water.
  15. Zoom Fluke weighted owner 4/0 hook Googan bait bandito bug texas rigged Cavitron Buzzbait War Eagle 3/8 Spinner bait Lunker hunt Frog
  16. I did the same thing off WISH app I think and yeah have enough for the rest of my life haha. Been handing them out to buddies
  17. Was hoping BPS would have the sale on the reels again. I took guys advice picked up one of the BPS reels for $50 and I like that thing and beat snot out of it.
  18. Strike king or the googan krackin craw works well also for me .
  19. Black and Blue for me here in Kansas seems to be the ticket.
  20. I know a buddy and I picked some of the craw ones one year and tore it up one day with them. We had went back and stocked up and never had much success again with them haha.
  21. I just bought one this year to try out. I am looking forward to playing with it.
  22. Yes sir academy is one of my favorites even though box store but great.
  23. Yep thats me usually watermelon red or black and blue and of course white about the only colors I get anymore in soft plastics. Hard baits I paint occasisonally plan on a lot more this year have so many need done. Those I will go random and just flake out just for fun. I did make one locals seemed to like and sold they called disco ball was just black and lots of multicolored flake.
  24. Haha mail call got Bass Pro catalog so much for not wanting to buy more ugh thanks a lot USPS
  25. I have only used the Strike King and they have worked good for me. I haven't tried the booyah but they have some nice looking colors.
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