Well technically there isnt a "closed" season for black bass; if you a referencing the regulation where a fish may only be unhooked and returned immediately to the water, the way I read it this applies to fish during a closed season. Black bass have two seasons c&r and 12" min.
A person may not fish for a species (even if immediately released) during the closed season for that species on a given water. Fish caught during the closed season must be unhooked and released immediately. They may not be handled for any other purpose.
"In situations where "catch and release" angling is allowed (such as for bass during the off-season in most parts of the state, or for trout in a stream designated as a no-kill waterway), the DEC fishing regulations state:
"Measuring, weighing and photographing the fish are permitted as long as the fish is not removed from the water for an extended period or handled in a manner that could cause harm. Fish may not be held on a string, or placed in a bucket, tub, livewell, or any other holding device."
I could very well be wrong, I don't claim to know everything. And all fish I caught are handled with care and promptly released.