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Everything posted by nosdog2

  1. Drink plenty of water, I wear a big straw wide brimmed hat, I have one of those neck gators that you soak in the water every so often to keep you cool (works wonders), and lastly I wear loose long sleeved "under armor" style t shirts. I get them off eBay, some non-name brand that works awesome and I don't care if they get all fished up and nasty since they don't cost $40+ like the UA gear does.
  2. Black n blue lizard is my pond killer. T rigged if the wind is an issue.
  3. A-Jay, do you have a picture more of that rock chip guard? I am interested in getting something like this for mine. I am seeing some small chips and I do way to much travel between NY > MD to keep damaging the boat like that.
  4. Well technically there isnt a "closed" season for black bass; if you a referencing the regulation where a fish may only be unhooked and returned immediately to the water, the way I read it this applies to fish during a closed season. Black bass have two seasons c&r and 12" min. A person may not fish for a species (even if immediately released) during the closed season for that species on a given water. Fish caught during the closed season must be unhooked and released immediately. They may not be handled for any other purpose. "In situations where "catch and release" angling is allowed (such as for bass during the off-season in most parts of the state, or for trout in a stream designated as a no-kill waterway), the DEC fishing regulations state: "Measuring, weighing and photographing the fish are permitted as long as the fish is not removed from the water for an extended period or handled in a manner that could cause harm. Fish may not be held on a string, or placed in a bucket, tub, livewell, or any other holding device." I could very well be wrong, I don't claim to know everything. And all fish I caught are handled with care and promptly released.
  5. Despite the wind Silver was on fire today. If you guys target bass in Siver you WILL get pike. d**n me and my sideways fish!
  6. What a day to be outside..........did some fishing over at the state land. Not sure why they go sideways when I upload from my iphone.
  7. Hit Silver again this morning ahead of this cold front. Another decent day. Nothing to brag about; biggest was this 4.2. Plus a few monster pike. Sorry for the upside down swimmer, strange bass. Lol
  8. Hit Silver this evening for a bit, did pretty well. Couple 33"+ pike, some rock bass, and a few 2-3 lbrs. The bluegill colors were liked this evening.
  9. Agree. I have had great luck with the plain old Bass Pro Shops XPS. Hasn't let me down, even when they have teeth on them.
  10. Wow!! Great fish!
  11. Great fish Farmer!
  12. I wasn't there, I am back down in Maryland unfortunately. Last Friday when the lake was dead clear I rolled through a spot on the west side about mid lake near the triple bouys and watched a few stroll by. I swear I could have saddled them up like a dolphin show!
  13. Farmer's directions are spot on. I often take 78 when I travel to Butt-flo, but honestly I never paid attention to the hills. Btw, Farmer, I never realized before how MASSIVE the carp are in silver. My god!
  14. Thanks, I have alot to learn in terms of boat fishing, this is only my second year with one. I grew up on them, but that was along time ago when my tackle consisted of a Shimano spinning setup and a bag of 8" black worms. Lol Yeah I will message you next time I am up. I probably wont be much help for tournaments since I spend alot of time in DC/Maryland for work but would enjoy fishing with somone else.
  15. Got out today from about noon - 3. Biggest of the day was this cooler! Two fish from yesterday.
  16. Hahah! No, but I did the same thing this evening! Fished from about 7 till about 9, only boated two, but they were pigs. Now I am waiting on my gas station chicken wings.
  17. Think I saw you putting in as I was coming out. Been out the past few days, temps are rising slowly, I am getting alot of chases, figuring out what colors to throw.
  18. Hope she gets well. A speedy recovery is in my prayers.
  19. You will see the Rangers right next to the Grady Whites in all the BP's.
  20. Should have left the boat at home! LOL. Was really slow last time out on Silver, 90% of the docks were pulled and only managed to pull a few 2-3 lb'rs out. Time to winterize the boat.
  21. Yep, going to head up to Silver for a few last times this Thursday/Friday before I put the boat up for the winter.
  22. I am with Logan S on this one. A lot of money is drawn from those weight in events to the local hosts.
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