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Everything posted by nosdog2

  1. I say whatever you are comfortable with doing is fine. As long as you aren't taking an excessive amount of time what difference does it make. I like to pcowerload myself but if you want to winch it up, do it.
  2. Great insight.
  3. Front of the boat near your registration numbers on both sides.
  4. Black Lake.
  5. I find when that happens, there is a 'soft spot' just to the left of the main docks about 2-3' to the right of the big tree where you can beach your boat bow in and then grab your truck/trailer and get in line when people are being stupid. I use this spot a lot when they pull the docks out in the fall and early season before they are in since I don't have a keel guard.
  6. Great write up Logan. I need to hit you up next time I fish the P! LOL!
  7. Susquehanna State Park has a pretty tame boat launch that I use often. Just be REAL careful if you go left out of there, it gets shallow really quick.
  8. That is pretty much your only option. You might be able to pay at the Silver Lake Marina (SLM) or Macks across the lake, but I am not 100% sure on those two spots. I know the SLM doesn't have the greatest hours. Sometimes you just have to be patient there that is for sure. I was out there last Thursday evening figuring it would be empty, not sure if there was local club tournament or something but there was about 15 boats at dark all trying to get out. I put the lights on the boat and went fishing across the lake until I didn't see anymore headlights. There was a lot of grumblings of slow fishing that day too, but I did quite well that day. Didn't have the numbers, but the size and quality was excellent. Like Farmer said, that 12' range had guys sitting out a bit from shore and hitting the usual spots around the lake. I had excellent luck some of the docks and trees.
  9. Headed up on Tuesday, hopefully it stays hot.
  10. Great fish! How did you have it rigged up?
  11. If your braid turns white, it is time to cut a few feet off the end and save the sharpie for something else.
  12. Sorry for your loss.
  13. I lost my favorite rod last fall. I thought about going after it but the water temps were really low and I knew better. Anything can happen: http://wtop.com/local/2016/07/potomac-boater-missing-after-trying-to-retrieve-fishing-pole/
  14. Well you go past quite a few. I would say if you have the time all of them! But I guess Onieda would be a good stop.
  15. Well I didn't get as much fishing done at the lake house as I had hoped, but I had plenty of fun in the water pulling people around on the inflatable. Got back on Silver last Sunday and Monday and did ok, only one fish to brag about (7.4!) It was hot as blazes with no wind so I decided to take the kids swimming instead; motored up to the middle of the lake and started swimming. Then it clouded over, so we decided to go for a spin around the lake and look at some houses for sale. I looked at one of my spots and decided I can't pass it up without at least throwing something at it. First cast in my run, pesky rock bass. Then I came up on a large submerged log and casted my favorite bait up one side, nothing. Threw at the back side and about half way down, felt like a truck hit it. Set the hook and the fight was on! It happened like I was on a bass tv show or something, felt so perfect. Wife netted it for me and soon as it hit the deck, the lure fell out. Weighed it and took some pics with my sons and released it for another angler. Just need to photoshop my shirtless dad-bod out of the pics to post. LOL Great day on the water, even though I only got 2 fish.
  16. No restrictions, Black Lake is a pretty sizable lake.
  17. I once knew this 20 year old knows everything guy in the Navy who thought it was a good idea to suntan off the coast of Somalia with baby oil. It didn't end up well for "him".
  18. I have owned all three, my current is a Dodge Ram 2500, so this is my opinion, not a friends or something I read on the internet. I don't think you will be upset with either choice of the Duramax or the Cummins period. Engine to engine I don't think there is a real clear winner, where the Duramax does shine is in ride (mainly due to the IFS) and interior fit and finish. My duramax was tuned and had all the bolt ons and I ended up trading it on a 1500 gaser, eeekkk I know! Still miss that truck. But it was essentially trouble free from new until almost 180K, I finally ripped a CV boot at about 176K. My latest is a 14 Cummins and I can say they have come along way since my Dad's 07 in fit and finish. I am pleased with the truck, fit, Finish, and fuel milage so far. It pulls like a beast, it surprisingly quiet at speed as well. I probably won't modify this one since I am not a fan of a daily driven Cummins with after market exhaust. Sure they sound great, but that drone if you drive it for any amount of time really wears on you. I wouldn't let the DEF scare you, buy a 'box' at walmart every so often and throw it in and forget about it. It is readily available now, and the truck tells you when to add it. Bottom line, take both for a test drive and see what feels better by your "seat O pants" meter and go with it; you won't be disappointed by either.
  19. Headed up to Silver for a few days and then a week on Cayuga! Can't wait; you guys got any tips for Cayuga?
  20. Yes, sorry the auto correct on my phone bit me.
  21. Looks great! Very well laid out rig. Are the compacts ventilated in any way?
  22. Throw the non-popular baits that isn't "cool" right now like the senkos are. See if you can trick the fish with something "new".
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