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Everything posted by nosdog2

  1. Check out Sam Rardin fishing as well on Mille Lacs. I fished with him when I first moved here; super fun and he put me on small mouth.
  2. Well my first time Rainy Lake trip was a success. I spent 5 days up there camping at one of the boat-in sites within Voyagers. We packed everything in and the fishing didn't disappoint. We couldn't have asked for a better week for weather, slight winds, 70-80s, and the rain waited until the last day to make an appearance as we headed off the lake. Caught a metric ton of Smallmouth and Northerns, and even kept a few walleyes for a nice mid-week evening fish fry. Capped off the week with a perfect showing (and first time seeing) of the Northern Lights. We anchored the boat out in the middle of the bay with a few cocktails and enjoyed the show, which was incredible to see. Can't wait to head back next year again.
  3. So I decided to do a fishing trip to Rainy Lake 3rd week of Sept. Going to camp from my boat for about 4-5 days, and hopefully get into some fall smallmouth fun. Probably camp near Soboleski Bar area. Any recommendations from anyone who has fished there during this timeframe?
  4. Made it out on a lake between Detroit Lakes and Itasca State Park. They were biting! Success came on a crank bait (2-3') over submerged spotty weeds in 10 ft of water and also on a drop shot on the same weeds.
  5. Worst case is you are out $30 and about a half hour of time if you want to change it out if there is "break in" oil contained. It's all about the peace of mind for you if you can't find anything definitive.
  6. Most manufactures say 100 hours or every year, whichever comes first. I usually do mine at the end of the year before I put it up for the winter. I usually do this to make sure there is no water intrusion or anything that need to be addressed over the winter.
  7. Been itching like crazy to get out. My water pump took a dump and a coupler for the lower unit stripped out so I am waiting on parts for a few more days till I can get water bound. I guess I could grab the yak down and at least wet a line.
  8. Dang! Great fish!
  9. April 16th is my guess, I think we have some warm days ahead.
  10. It would take a lot to stop @ww2farmer from fishing!
  11. Looks great! Well done. I am eager to get out this year and figure out how/where to fish in this state after moving here late summer last year.
  12. Thanks! That mapping is awesome; much better than my lake master charts that are giving me fits right now.
  13. I know, really liking it here so far; we are really enjoying it. LG was surprising and gets a bit manic on the weekends with the boat traffic, but the top water bite has been great the past week or so. Not sure if I found the "ball sack" yet! LOL! I have been having graphing issues with my hummingbird units; I upgraded to a Fortrex and I don't think I have the right cable to contact it so I have been handicapped with finding stuff. Rum river is right down the street too, not sure where exactly or what section would be good to dip into it, sounds like fun. It looks to be only an hour from me; which at my NY house was my typical run to one of the bigger lakes, and in DC fishing the Potomac or the upper bay were also an hour, so that is par for the course of what I am used to.
  14. About 2 months ago! The rona made the move and selling the cabin tough, but had a great work opportunity out here that I couldn't turn down. So far it's been amazing.
  15. Just wanted to jump in and make my first MN post here. I recently moved from the DC area (with a house in the NY Finger Lakes area too) to Anoka County, MN. Been here about 2 months and trying to learn the areas as fisheries. I live right next to Lake George and got out there a few times, and Coon lake. Looking to get out and learn, I have both a boat and kayak so if someone needs a fishing buddy let me know! I am always down to throw some lines.
  16. Looks like a great season for you @ww2farmer ! Missed our few outings this year! Esp that fall bite! Been hitting them here in MN pretty good, although the average size LM are a bit smaller overall than what I am used to on Silver. But I am going to make it up to Mill Lacs for some SM here for that Fall bite and I am sure the size up there is better.
  17. Been stuck in some serious rain with my Eddie Bauer stuff and remained dry.
  18. You need to make your ice with Dasani or Pellegrino water, it will last longer in the Yeti. All kidding aside, pre-cool it. With those temps and a few days it will be fine.
  19. Well wishes to him. I always enjoyed watching him fish.
  20. Nice to see you get out!
  21. True story!
  22. Agree with J, that stuff is amazing.
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