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Everything posted by Peide01

  1. I have the avid x in med fast and I really do like it. If you like a split grip then I think it's at the top of its class in the price range. Took some getting used to on the micro guides but I have no complaints. My next rod I'm looking at will be another avid x in mh. I also have 2 black rods as mentioned and it has served me well. One is fairly close in length and same action as my avid x but if if the extra money will not break you then definitely look at the avid x.. Feels better to me and it's I feel it's more sensative, not buy a huge margin but noticeable especially if you are going to use for plastics. Hope this helps.
  2. It palms really well. I have small hands so I prefer smaller reel.
  3. I have the curado 200 and it is much smaller. It palms better than that and metanium. I feel that it palms like my ***
  4. I agree, the shipping surprised me. I can't send anything across country that quick hardly.
  5. Have a tournament Saturday so will definitely have an update on its performance
  6. If anyone wants some size comparisons or info I will try my best to help. Japan lure shop is a great seller If anyone is on the fence. I ordered Saturday and got this today.
  7. Just got my Scorpion 70 hg in hand. Looks and feels great.
  8. Mail person just dropped mine off!!
  9. I'm excited about this reel. I am hoping it is fills the void where the chronarch 50e left. Mine is 45 minutes away and will be here tomorrow. Just in time for Saturday fishing tournament.!
  10. I was thinking of running braid on this reel to be used for heavier shakey heads in clear water. To be honest I never used braid. I have used lot of fluorocarbon but definitely different in castibility category when compared to mono. Just heard a lot about the benefits of braid with a leader of fluorocarbon. Just trying to get away from the same thing as always and broaden my approach
  11. Of course. I'm hoping for quick shipping like I've heard about with ems
  12. Yeah the more I read and practice knots the more I think I will run this rod with just fluorocarbon.
  13. Yeah I was hoping for xg but hg will work just fine. Already been shipped and got tracking number today.
  14. I ordered mine from Japan lure shop yesterday
  15. I am thinking the fg knot I've read so much about recently. What would you suggest?
  16. Perfect, thank you for the response. I hope to test it out this week so I can use it on the water this coming weekend. I plan on running 30#/12#
  17. Just got an avid x in and Im waiting for my reel to come in. The question is, with the micro guides will I have an issue running a fluorocarbon leader with braid on this rod?
  18. I have an avid x med fast that I need a reel for. Made decision to get a metanium today from them but they were sold out for the awesome price. Now back to ci4 unless I find a good deal on something.
  19. Gotcha, yeah I was going to get from there but wasn't sure how it works with preoder. I would prefer to just pay all and start the wait. Also I'm still considering this or the chronarch ci4. Any suggestions
  20. Where did you order the scorpion?
  21. Been looking for a chronarch 50e with little luck then I saw the posts about these reels. Do yall think these will be filling the gap for the 50 size shimano or will a chronarch be coming that is smaller than the ci4? Also curious on realistic ship time for these. Tackle warehouse had curado listed later than scorpion from Japan lure.
  22. Some of the reels I'm looking at is the ci4, ***, the diawa alphas sv, or waiting on new scorpion 70. All of these around 200. Then consider other higher end shimano but that would cut my budget on rod.
  23. Thank you, that gives me a good starting point. I have looked at shimano and diawas. The question probably is more along the lines of spend more on reel or rod or 200 on each.
  24. Thank you. I know what you mean about the bait monkey. New to this technique but love it, it is one of my favorites for the lakes that are close to me.
  25. Received a bonus at work recently and was looking to get new baitcast combo. This will be dedicated to shakey head fishing. Looking to spend roughly 400 plus or minus a few dollars. What are your suggestions. Usually use 1/8 or 3/16 head with trick worms. Looking for something light and sensitive. I am not brand loyal.
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