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Everything posted by Joe.

  1. Always enjoy going to Cabela's, but I never, ever leave with anything. Prices are astronomical, you can save at least 10 bucks even on small stuff buy just going through Amazon, but you cannot beat going to a store and actually being able to see the products. Field and Stream is nice but not quite worth the drive (at least, not regularly) because my local store was essentially just Dicks with a few more camo jackets, and it was very similar to Cabelas in that the clothing was all very high priced ($250 for a coat) The BPS near me was underwhelming. Gander Mountains is nothing special, but it is nice to have all these options in case you're searching for something specific.
  2. I'm partial to my home, Michigan
  3. Can't wait to see er when she's done. Looks awesome.
  4. Wow, what an awesome looking rig. And a nice catch!
  5. Glad to see I'm not the only one that keeps getting skunked! I've been out 8 times and didn't catch anything 6 of those trips. I was starting to think I was the only one on these forums not hooking up!
  6. They seem to be pretty picky where I'm at, but maybe that's just because I'm a noobie fisherman. SE Michigan. Water has been pretty cold, but it's certainly been warming up around here. It was 80 yesterday and I was a puddle. Pike - Plastic grub on a jig head Bass - Wacky rigged senko Bass - Shallow running crankbait (First bass I ever landed )
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