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Chug Bug

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About Chug Bug

  • Birthday 12/07/1966

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  1. Liddell won't go up, Cro Cop wants to go down to 205. He has mentioned a couple of times on his site, that he want's Silvias title. Then he will drop to 205 and fight Liddell. That loser Joe Rogan even mentioned that during the tito liddell fight.
  2. Good luck to you. Please use caution when posting personal information on a public site. If that is your real DOB, I would xxxx it out, as well as change a few letters in your name. It is very very easy to obtain all of your personal information with just a little researching knowledge.
  3. Man you nailed it with the DHL driving like maniacs comment. That is very true.
  4. Thanks for the reply. I've had the same two guys delivering to my house since I've owned it. I think it's a fine service. Was just wondering if it was basically the caliber of the people that eliminated wrongdoing. Muddyman, I was in no way disparaging or calling into question the honesty of LBH!
  5. With all the use I got out of UPS this Holiday season, I have a query for you LBH.. What prevents you guys from just tossing a package out the door of your truck while in transit when you are having a bad day? Ethics alone? ;D :-/
  6. Agreed! Wanderlai Silva was unstoppable in Pride for two or three years. He looked like an amateur when he fought Cro-Cop. UFC is in serious trouble.
  7. Did any of you guys happen to notice that RW has an article published to the main page? I'm not a smallmouth man, but it's pretty cool to see his work. Congrats RW!
  8. Tim Sylvia And Liddell should be currently trying to find a way to relinquish their belts. When Mirko Fillipovic (Cro-Cop) hits UFC it will never be the same. He will make UFC look like the WWE. Nobody is ready for him. He will eliminate Sylvia in 220 plus. Then drop down to 205 and dessimate Liddell. Anyone here who also follows K1 or Pride knows that I speak the truth. It is going to be quite exciting when he gets here!
  9. Chug Bug

    Hand guns

    Hey guys, I haven't posted in a while, but will come back for this. Please avoid Hi-point. When we would have to make one of these safe for the evidence tech, we would draw straws. Dangerous gun. Also, why are you considering a concealed carry? Do you do money drops or something? Will end up getting in more trouble carrying a weapon than it will do for you protection wise.
  11. Great story, My wife will be home in a few minutes, and when she asks why I'm crying, I'll have to tell her I just watched the Joy Luck Club again.
  12. Hey CART, when I said "pull a boat" I meant obtain it. After I typed it I knew everyone would think I meant towing it. ;D Also, I guess I should have looked at Bass Tracker more closely. The brand new tr186 with a 175 I just ordered is expected to do low to mid sixties. 80MPH? :
  13. Please don't take this the wrong way, I am truly not being sacastic. I am interested in how you managed to pull that boat at age 14. Did you work a bunch of summers, or get help from the folks? What did you do?
  14. You sound like you have a very good work ethic. This will eventually be recognized and you will end up as an invaluable asset if not a powerful leader to a company some day soon. (trust me). Whenever things get really bad for a time, they seem to come back better than they ever were. You'll see, just hang in there.
  15. I think the answer is pretty simple if you will just look at it this way. 16-drive, 18-vote, 21-drink. What is the dilema? You are not legally of age to posess or consume alcohol.
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