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  1. Contact lews! They have awesome customer service! They may just send you a new reel.
  2. Yep, and cold days, wet days, snowy days....
  3. Shimano spinning reels are notorious for binding problems, nothing new. My suggestion is get rid of them and get a daiwa or pflueger. If you want a shimano that doesn't bind get a stradic or above. Loosening the nut that holds the rotor will make no difference. Over tightening it won't cause any issues either, other than possibly stripping out the threads on the worm gear.
  4. Urinating on his own head... sounds like a shimano fan to me.
  5. These are the jig heads I use, they work perfect with the wider gap and angle of the eye and hook point. http://www.riverrattackle.com/proddetail.php?prod=TJ
  6. There are jig heads called stupid tube heads but there are also stupid tubes. Stupid tube seems to be the name people use now for a tube rigged like the one in the picture. Perfect rig for smallmouth that live in snaggy rocky rivers.
  7. Who said it was new?
  8. I've been fishing stupid tubes for years. You definitely need a rod with some backbone to get a good hookset with a tube rigged like that. I fish them on a st.croix legend tournament 7'1" medium fast spinning rod. That rod seems to be a little stiffer than my other medium st. croix spinning rods. I'll throw them with my 7' medium avid casting rod if I'm using 1/4 oz or more. Invizx fluorocarbon 10 lb on both setups.
  9. That's interesting, what type and weight gear oil do you use for non spool bearings? Any issues with the thick gear oil in cold weather? I've been using a spray grease on the worm gear in my stradics and it works really well. It's an automotive lube made by wurth, I think it's called hh-s hinge lube.
  10. I don't really see any reason to use oil on a spinning reel. The only oil I use on any of my spinning reels is maybe a drop on the line roller in between cleanings. Everything else gets grease. The only place I use oil on casting reels is the spool bearings and worm gear. And possibly a tiny amount on the brake drum and AR collar. Super lube is a great grease for reels and it's cheap compared to the tiny amount you get with most reel greases. Wd40 is worthless for anything!
  11. But see the thing is the Hagane gear technology is not an upgrade! All they did was change the name. The sustain fg was listed as having paladin gearing since it came out on shimano's site. Now the same reel is listed as having hagane gearing, it's not upgraded they just changed the name. The sustain is also listed as having a hagane body now also.
  12. It's not just for the gearing though. Reels with an aluminum or magnesium frame are now listed as having a hagane body.
  13. Nice! I wish they would open a field and stream store in my area. The one I've been in was REALLY nice.
  14. Dang man relax. And I still don't know what you mean by saying my silly daiwas. I own all brands of reels. Yes I went to the shimano ad you posted. It just proves my point, it's nothing more than a marketing gimmick.
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