I am "that guy" ;D Me and Buzz both fish the same. Covering alot of water with fast moving baits... We try and seek out active bass with fast baits, then slow down and fish the same area with plasics. We have been discussing this topic the past few fishing trips. I have seen it go both ways. Here recently, I took Blueeyedfisherchick out on the boat, and both times she outfished me from the back of the boat. Both of those trips she threw a rattletrap the whole time while I concentrated with a buzzbait and thew a fluke here and there. The same is true for the last few eve trips with Buzz. He concentrated with a buzzbait, while I mainly threw a rattletrap and fluke. The last time I got a few bites on the sammy, but they wouldn't hit the buzzbait. But I know why he is throwing that buzzbait (big fish) When the buzzbait bite is on, it is worth it! The few times we both threw cranks and rattletraps the whole trip, we both boated fish and nice ones too.
I have had good and bad luck in the front of the boat. The same goes for the back seat also. Lets go hit the lake this eve, and you can run the motor. It will be a nice break for me, and we can do a little experiment. I wouldn't have a problem alternating driving either. It will be easy to see a pattern if we switch everytime. 8-)
Oh, by the way, I got another one on the sammy this morning 5lb 3oz ;D Had 2 others slam it but didn't get it in their mouth... :'(