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Everything posted by craigaria

  1. The first 2 were from varner this past summer. The 3rd pic is just a belly view of the second fish. Good to hear from you, hope all has been going well! I'm not sure if Ryan is going or not. Me and Nicole are talking about coming down for one day, but we may stay the night. We'll see.
  2. Hey everyone! It has been a while since I have posted, I haven't been getting on the internet much lately. Hunting also tied me up for a while so I am just getting back into the bass fishing thing again... I figured I'd post a few fishing pics to let ya'll know that I haven't quit 8-) Also, Blue Eyed fisher chick called me earlier to ask if we could make the roadtrip this year, so we might be seeing you there!!!
  3. That was a killer video LBH!!! I especially like the picture in there of the "beltbuckle of shame" ;D What a great time! I can't wait till the next trip!!! Congrats Glenn on the hawg! I think we all figured out that you didn't have to go far from the dock to get on some fish All I can say is what a blast!!!!
  4. That looks like the one I caught a week and 1/2 ago. It took some hooks in the gill and I was hoping it would survive but... :
  5. Great job and awesome fish! I thought I saw someone snapping pics over by the boat ramp, but I didn't know what was going on... Congrats on your new PB!!! 8-)
  6. Pretty simple on the lizards. Just rig it with a 1/16 or 1/8 oz weight (I used a split shot) with a 3.0 offset worm hook. If you use a split shot, crimp the weight all the way against the hook. Then just cast it out and reel it in. I tried to keep it running about 1 foot under the water. Nothing special, but man did they slam it!!! Bighead told us to try this, he is the man!
  7. It was a blast! Glad ya'll like the pics! I wish I had more pics of all the other guys, but I'm sure they will be coming soon...
  8. The meatballs were the best!!!
  9. Heck no! He was a really cool guy! I wish we could of hung out more. Muddy and LBH had some stories from their first trip out that had me rolling on the floor. The only bad part about the trip was while we were out fishing, we weren't getting to hang out with the group. :'(
  10. Thanks for the welcome back! I posted a report in fishing outings! Enjoy!!!
  11. Well we are back, and what can I say, it was a great trip! We caught around 75 fish in the three days we were there. Most of the fish were in the 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 pound range. We did have a few fish around 4-5 lbs and I lost something big the first day and one around 6 lbs or so the last day. It was very windy so it made most sight fishing impossible. Most of the boats on the lake were crowded into the backs of the creeks in the spawning flats and fishing in 6 inch to 5 foot deep water. There were plenty of male bass being caught with a few females in there too. Props to Triton for his 8 1/2 lb personal best, and also to Glenn when he pulled in a 5lb 13oz right in front of us!! ;D I have a bunch of pics so what I'll do is post a comment with each pic. Enjoy! 8-) Also, I'd like to thank the whole gang for being one of the coolest group of guys I have ever fished with Everyone was just as friendly as they are on the boards and after meeting everyone in person, It seemed like I had already known them for years 8-) I'd like to thank Bighead for the tips, swimming a lizard caught 85% of all our fish. This is something that I can't wait to try at home. Also, thanks to Matt Fly for the beers! The closest place to buy some cold ones was an hour away, and he was on the ball bringing a cooler full for the guys every evening! Also, thanks Matt for the tips on the lake. I wish you could have made it out on the boat with us. Your knowledge on the lake would have put a sharelunker in the boat for sure! I wanted to thank Glenn for the gift certificate that he gave me to Bass Pro for making the stickers ( I am having to hide it from Blue Eyes ) Also thanks to Glenn for the bearing cap so I could get the boat in the water when we first got there. I lost one during the trip and he had a spare! I'd also like to thank everyone for the great food! I'm not sure of everyone that did the cooking, so I'll thank ya'll as a group. The food was awesome! And again, I'd like to thank the group as a whole for being the people that you are, and I can't wait to see you all again!!! 8-) Here is the boat sporting its Lake Fork sticker, Here we come! Ready to go! Here is the rig! What the ???? Moving in the room Buzz getting ready Buzzbaitfool and Jason went on a guided trip the first morning, so I fished by myself. First fish of the trip for me on a texas rigged trick worm. I caught this one in the fist 5 minutes fishing! I didn't get many pics of the first day, but I got six bass in the boat, and caught 20 crappie. I hung into something big on a rattletrap, but it came unbuttoned by the boat :'( Jason and Buzzbait caught 18 fishing with the guide, the largest was 4 1/2lbs The very next cast ;D This is a cove near the dam, I didn't catch any here, but it was very nice looking... the same cove Morning #2! Caught this one first cast off of the same dock as the morning before! This was actually the eveing before the last pic. We fished the evening near the motel and picked up two fish right before dark... The lake Day 2 The next group of pics we were fishing in Birch Creek. We were 4 1/2 miles up in the creek. It was very hard to get there with all of the stumps, but there was some fish in there First double! Buzz's Sharelunker ;D Birch bass Buzz with a good one! another Jason with a Birch bass Check out the birthmarks on the fish Jason with another Second double. Buzz caught the bigger one Same double as the one above... Pretty Texas bass another Third double, didn't get pics of the second... Jason with another Buzz with one Yellow bass... Crappie fishing at the dock What was Buzz doing? Well that is all the pics I have. Hope yall enjoyed them. I look foward to seeing all the rest of the pics of the group!!!
  12. We are back! Had to leave a day early due to a work emergency. It was an awesome trip and great to meet and hang out with the BR crew! I am going to start a post in a few with pics and stories!!! 8-)
  13. We will see you when we get there! All three of us are fishing the tourny on Lucas tomorrow, and we won't be home till 6pm. Me and Blue Eyes are going out tomorrow night, and we will be leaving first thing Sunday morning to head that way. Can't wait to see ya there. Have a safe trip!
  14. WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! It looks like the my boat will be following us to texas!!! Got her fixed up tonight! I owe it all to Jeremy. He is a merc specialist at bass pro shops and he does side work here in GA if anyone is interested. Also, Randy from GPI in Canada sent me a box full of parts to swap out to make it happen. I'm sure ya'll don't know these guys, but I had to give them props. They saved the day! Lake Fork, Here we come!!!!!
  15. Actually, I hope everyone has a safe trip! Can't wait to get down there and put some faces with all these screen names Lets get down there and put a hurtin on em' 8-)
  16. Seatbelts are for wussies!!! ;D
  17. I have read that falling pressure is the best time to fish, and steady high pressure is the worst time... But what I have noticed is that steady weather is great for the bite. I think when the fish adjust to steady weater conditions, they get a bit more on a schedule. But with drastic weather changes, it throws the fish off...
  18. Thanks guys for the offering to help get us on a boat. We are planning on making the trip with or without my boat. I will do everything possible to get my rig running by Sunday. I have two mechanics that have been doing everything they can to help me fix the problem. I can't thank them enough... I have some kind of electrical bug that is causing my motor to run very rough. I have parts coming in thursday or friday. Hopefully they will solve the problem. I have been looking foward to this trip for quite a while, and I can't help but feel responsible for ruining lake fork for my buds. Anyway, I guess I have to come no matter what... How else would ya'll get your stickers?
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