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Pond Hopper

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About Pond Hopper

  • Birthday 05/19/1983

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  • Location
    Melrose, IA

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  1. Here in Iowa, there was a car stuck in the road on a drift in town. I drove 30 MPH on my 1.5 mile trek home, and felt dangerous. The winds are terrible and I have no clue how much snow we have but there was about 2 ft in front of my back door. And tomorrow is suppose to be worse. :
  2. Me too. Then my family (moms, dads, grandparents, brother and sister) would all be debt free forever. I'd drop a big bale of cash at the SPCA and renovate my grandmother's church. The sad thing is after rough figuring that may buy about 4,000 acres of ground here, and that would not even include any machinery to farm or improve it. Either way I could make it work.
  3. Hire a team of attorneys and CPAs to figure out some way to decrease my tax liabilities. Then buy all the d**n land I could throughout North America(Canada and the U.S.)
  4. Jimmy Dean Spicy Sausage Rotel Chiles Cream Cheese Cook meat, combine all in a crockpot
  5. If the deer has not winded me or started stomping I have no problem drawing on a deer that thinks something is up. A deer's main reason to run is they smell something wrong and when they are in rut, the bucks tend to not trust their eyes.
  6. Is that a shorthair or an english pointer? I think it is a shorthair but the picture is small. I have a solid liver GSP that has been a trial of patience his first 2 years but now he grew up and has become an amazing bird dog and my buddy. I have had a loaner phone since I wrecked mine, and the alarm does not work but he wakes me up 5 minutes later licking my arm hanging off the bed. They are a very intelligent, but hyper breed.
  7. Pond Hopper


    Check out the Ruger LCP before buying the Keltec for a CCW. I was set on a keltec until a buddy let me shoot the keltec and the LCP side by side. Just a suggestion. Been considering adding a Keltec to my group. Please let me know what you didn't like about it. Two of the guys in my hunting club drive for Brinks, so a good CCW is a must. They both own Keltec pistols and they love them. They are essentially the same gun along with the new Taurus 380. They are based off the Keltec (original design). The fit and finish of the LCP feels a little nicer, but it seems to have a longer trigger pull, IMO. Honestly, I wouldn't have a problem owning any of the three. There is that little difference to me. These are not designed to be 25yd pistols; more or less "belly guns" for when the poop hits the fan. While you can shoot them accurately at some distance, that is not their intended use and are designed as such. Again, all IMO. The LCP fits my hand nicer(and being a tall guy with bigger hands that helps). Also as Speedbead said the fit and finish is nicer. I like the trigger pull of the LCP better, it feels smoother to me even though it may have a longer pull I do not notice when rapid firing, ie a true situation. The LCP I shot had more rounds through it compared to the Keltec, and the Keltec jammed twice where as the LCP never did in 40 rounds with both. And as previously mentioned, they are not long range accurate guns, but the LCP grouped better, which played a small difference in my choice. Both fit well in a pocket unnoticed and I think most people would be happy with either, but shooting them side by side I opted for the LCP for another $30.
  8. .22lr- 1000 rds .22-250- 200 rds .243- 200 rds .30-06 - 500 rds .308 - 500 rds .380 - 100 rds .45 cal muzzy- 200 rds 12 gauge rds - 500 20 gauge rds - 1000
  9. Pond Hopper


    Check out the Ruger LCP before buying the Keltec for a CCW. I was set on a keltec until a buddy let me shoot the keltec and the LCP side by side. Just a suggestion.
  10. Tonight was ok until I flipped the 4 wheeler on me.
  11. Iowa, great psych program and all kinds of outdoors activities. The only con is all of the tree hugging hippies in Iowa City.
  12. You just showed where the pyramid scheme is.
  13. Sorry to hear that Mike, I went through the same thing three years ago, for a 2 year period where young kids(21) that I knew started hanging themselves, starting with my sister. It is hard to ask why, or think of what could be so grim that someone could do that kind of thing to not only themselves, but the ones they love. Because suicide is easiest on the one who commits it, and devastating to those that it affects. Either way it is nothing fun to joke about, or deal with. Anyone that thinks about it for one second, can feel free to contact me, as I have dealt with several friends or acquaintances since then who "saw the light".
  14. A town to the south of here has a meat packing plant that has had immigration issues and apparently some gangs. There was a string of break ins last summer in our town, which is largely older people. Most of these happened during the day and were non violent, no one home, or little resistance. One day, they broke in a house, and came to find a shotgun with a threatening finger behind it. That was the end of gangs around here. Gangs may survive in areas where there are not a bunch of trigger happy rednecks, but that is where I live.
  15. Unless things have changed, deferred loans(which are typically student loans) do not affect your debt to income ratio when applying for loans. Second, kids need help establishing credit. Some do it themselves, some need help but it is crucial and college loans are a good start. Third, most college students do not grasp the concept of a loan. Sit her down, explain the situation, and I bet she makes you and your wife proud if she is a good kid. Fourth, a lot of loan programs out there, if sought after do not require a cosigner. Best of luck.
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