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455 Racing

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About 455 Racing

  • Birthday 02/16/1949

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    Holland, Michigan & Northern Michigan

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. here is my years of collecting data all in one photo
  2. 6 years in the Michigan National Guard 1970 -1976 I was the Motor Sgt.
  3. I've been keeping track for 11 years, and my record of 1171 in 2015 was beat by me last Friday. It has been an outstanding year for me fishing. I am at 1172 for the year and could end up with 1500. Use a 6 inch lizard, green or tan in color with an 1/8 oz weight and still try other lures, but always go back to my standard lizard lure.
  4. What do you think of ELECTRIC ARC ? With the lightning bolts? Any graphic artists around? Phil
  5. keep em coming....The boat is all WHITE.
  6. There are some good ones here, but haven't ordered any logos yet.....so if you have any thing that is "Catchy" please add it to the list. Wait till you see this boat. Phil
  7. keep em' coming.....I forgot to tell you that my best friends wifes name is.................CARMEN.....it would really hit the fan with HIM also... Phil
  8. I think something would hit the fan if I put Carmen on my electric boat when my wifes name is Mary Ann. What do you think? Keep em' coming boys, looking for something "catchy" ? Phil
  9. Looking for advice for a "catchy" name for the 24 volt MINNKOTA equipped 17 foot V-bottom boat I am building. I will have photos later, but right now all I need is few cool names. Thanks in advance and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS. Boat and trailer just received a COMPLETE paint job and now with 13 inches of fresh snow we are retreating to my heated garage. Phil
  10. last year I caught 512 bass in 42 attempts.....so far this year I am up to 576 in about 30 fishing outings.(everyone needs to use a log book)....and now that my drag racing season is just about over, look out OCTOBER.....my goal is 750 bass in 2008. 95% were caught on the same lure. Well not the same lure, as I've lost about 15 this year.....when I found out Gander Mountain discontined them, I bought every one at both locations in Grand Rapids and found out there was 56 of them in an OHIO store so I BOUGHT ALL OF EM...!!!!!! I went fishing two weeks ago and in the biggest rain storm of my life, I CAUGHT the 2nd biggest LM Bass of my life...I SMILED THE REST OF THE DAY...... Phil Veldheer Phil Veldheer Racing
  11. In my small 14 foot aluminum with a 40 pound thrust on the front, I got 3.3 MPH two weeks ago... I can't wait to try out my 55 pound thrust in two weeks on my 17.5 footer. Phil
  12. Sales/Racing Sales Manager at a large locally owned office supply-office furniture-janitorial supply company. Been there for 17 of my 57 years. Before that sales manager at large Cadillac-Olds dealership. Sales my whole life. Love drag racing and presently have five bad-*** race cars. I have been going 0-130 mph in 10 seconds for a long time. I try to race every Saturday night. It is a parade when we come to the track with five race cars in five trailers. I own them all and drive the fastest two. Son-in-law drives the next fastest one. I have been racing for 40 years. Many wins and lucky that I have the ability to get "advertisers" on my race cars as there is an old saying in drag racing. "To win a million dollars in drag racing, start with two million dollars." Started bass fishing by accident in September of 2005. Went three days and "killed-em" what a riot. That got the ball rolling and bought a cottage on a nice lake 15 minutes east of Ludington, MI. Bought a fish and ski Four Winns in JULY and have had a blast. Caught 30 bass one day and 31 another day with son-in-law. My records for 2006 include a 21 in bass that weighed 6 pounds, female pike 25 inch, and male pike 28 inch. I have had more fun this summer that I have had in YEARS. I have kept the economy going with fishing tackle and assorted fishing-boating purchases. I love to learn new things and this has been FUN. Can not wait until 2007 as the boat has been reorganized. Also bought ANOTHER boat to keep locally. 8-) Phil
  13. THANKS for the responses. I just found this.. http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.TextId?hvarTextId=30315&hvarDept=200&hvarEvent=&hvarClassCode=2&hvarSubCode=1&hvarTarget=browse#reviews I am looking for all the input I can get. Phil
  14. cart7- thanks for your response. MOST of my time is in the shallow water going around Long Lake in Walhalla, MI. Don't like how hard it is to steer the boat when the speed in on either 4 or 5. I AM NOW OPEN TO ANY BRAND OF ELECTRIC TROLLING MOTOR. I thought I would stay with the original equipment mounts that are on my boat. What do you or anyone else think of the remote or the copilot? How well does a "micro-touch" foot pedal work? I went back several pages and I could not find any discussions about this and I could not find. If anyone finds any discussion pages, please e-mail me a link at 455@i2k.com I am a buyer and want to do this one time. I plan on taking my old trolling set up and install on another boat so I can fish locally as I want to leave my main boat at the cottage. I appreciate your help in this. I check this board twice a day and I am now checking this site (lures, poles, boats and general) As often as any my other love, drag racing. I am still a rookie, but BASS FISHING is as much fun as anything! Phil
  15. Thinking about changing from my Minn Kota Edge foot controled bow mount to the AUTO-PILOT along with the COPILOT. Wondering if any one has one of these and are you happy with it? Who has the best price on these? Thanks in advance. Phil www.fastpistons.com
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