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  1. Emersonfish- I've thought a lot about used believe me. But buying a used "beautiful" glass boat that has been well taken care of, is just plain hard to fine. Especially in the 20-25g range. if you know where to start looking then please let me know. Thanks for your advice.
  2. Nice_bass- Awesome! I actually won't be fishing that low on LOZ. I'm the grand glaize and up. A TON calmer water. J_francho- I'm sure ranger didn't pioneer them but looking at a quality control perspective it seems they are the driving force behind top quality from what I've researched. I mean...it is ranger lol.
  3. Got it. Thanks hoss. I'll be posting on there as well
  4. Fishes in trees - thanks buddy. Yeah I can imagine an aluminum rig around those big cruisers can be sketchy. I also think as long as you don't fish on the weekend during the busy season it would be like fishing on just a really big calm lake. Chris- how do you like it? What lakes do you Normally fish on (what state) 17-18 ft is probably the absolute smallest I'd go size wise on the lakes I fish. Just as a warm and fuzzies for ride quality. Thanks gentlemen for you opinions. You're helping a fellow basshead making a decision
  5. Are the new aluminum bass boats worth it???? I'm not talking about the old john boats with a 20 horse smoke machine attached your grandpa let you borrow for cutting the pasture. I'm talking about the new "tournament Ready" rigs that Ranger has seemed to pioneer and go above and beyond designing. The new (RT188, RT178) or Triton's (X17, X18). I want to purchase a new boat To fish in local tournaments but I'll be honest I can't even begin to afford a sleek glitter finish, fiberglass river rocket. The aluminum rigs seem to be a great starter boat especially when customized to my liking. I'm already aware of the differences in ride quality, speed, wind drift etc with fiberglass vs aluminum. I'm from central MO and I'll be fishing on waters like Lake of the Ozarks, Truman Reservoir, Table Rock, Bull Shoals...all the Bass factories in MO you can think up. Will these new Aluminum rigs handle these waters? All opinions welcome. Help me clear the mud ya'll.
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