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About Keithscatch

  • Birthday 07/14/1966

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    Palm Bay, FL

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. For me it is because a Whale & Dolphins are mammals and a fish is a fish. Two different things. One is closer to us then the other. BTW, I get upset with Japan's and many other Asian nations ways and how they abuse fish populations. I get bothered when I see how Japanese trowlers sweep the oceans of Sharks and pull them in and cut off their dorsal and anal fins and then dump the body back into the Ocean. They do this so they can have shark fin soup. What a freaking joke. I also think that Norway and Japan could care less about mammals or Whales or anything but themselves and if there where only 10 left in the world they would see who could kill the last one. 2,000 of one animal in the world is by no means allot. Now if there was 2 million then that would be different. Whales are teetering on extinction and these idiot nations think they are abundant again and want to hunt them down. I get upset about this the same way I do when people hunt Bear, Tigers, Lions, Elephants, etc. WTH? what is up with that? Just blows me away. I do not respect hunting that is done for anything but for survival. That is how I look at things. I don't believe God created animals so that we as humans could hunt them for sport to see how many heads, rugs etc that we can put in our houses. Remember the days when Buffalo roamed the prairies of America by the millions? Well, they were gunned down to near extinction by the American Cowboys who thought it fun to target practice while traveling on railroads. Yep, sure is fun to just wantonly kill animals with a rifle. Some people groups have bizarre appetites and desire to eat bizarre things out of enjoyment. Do they really need to eat Whale? Is their survival linked to Whale blubber, oil, meat? Maybe some eskimo tribes but not folks in Norway or Japan. That is the issue for me and why I get bothered by it.
  2. I found this quote. Kinda says it all really.....Sad: Maybe Western citizens of the Free Willy generation are in a minority. Maybe the wider world really does not care more for whales and dolphins than it does for chickens and cockroaches. Found here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/5093684.stm
  3. I just don't undrstand man sometimes. Hunting Whales? WOW. Just hard for me to grasp....
  4. This is bad news and something I feel is sad. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/6059564.stm
  5. Bill Dance & Al Lindner
  6. As always good hearted debate to stimulate ones mind. I will listen to the January address and support this country and our President. I believe he will do the thing that is best for all concerned. Thanks all.
  7. Jim, I beg to differ with you. Allah is not the same God as Jesus. The very fact that they do not believe Jesus as the Son of God means they are not worshipping the SAME God as in Christianity. After all it is God that said this is my belloved Son in whom I am well pleased, refering to Jesus. I personally think the media has turned this nation against our soldiers and our military. All the democrats are whinning about coming home with our tails firmly tucked between our legs and that certainly is not the answer. But as usual the leftist media and the leftist polititions DON'T have a single PLAN other then cut and run. It is so easy to criticize what is being done but a whole different ballgame to suggest another plan of action. If the plan we are doing now is not working in your eyes then what is YOUR PLAN? Why is it in Vogue to criticize our government, or military? our leaders? Seems all we do is complain about this or that and tear down our government and our leaders. Do Democrats really think George W Bush is evil and that a Democrat if in office would be allot better? Do Republicans believe this? While I did not like Bill Clinton and thought he made a mockery of the Presidency I thought he did allot of things good. I guess it just bothers me to see how the media attacks our leaders like they are a bunch of jealous school girls. Does anyone on this forum actually think they know more about the situation in Iraq then our Military leaders? Huh? HELLO!!! How idiotic is that to ASSUME that we know the situation and all that factors into it so that we are smarter then our President or our military brass who are constantly briefed about such things. C'mon guys lighten up on this stuff. Turn off CNN, and all the rest of the media and put yourself in their shoes. What would you do instead?
  8. The guy holding the 5lb on a crankbait looks just like SamWise Gamgee. I can hear the name Frooodooo ;D ;D ;D Sean Astin in the house ya'll.... ;)
  9. So just what where you doing in that apartment building all that time huh? Do you secretely work for the CIA? ;D ;D ;D That is cool. Nice looking lake nearby. What is the name of it? Catch any good ones in it?
  10. This is a good read and gives you a better view of what it is like over in Iraq then what the media portrays. http://www.jacksonvilleprogress.com/homepage/local_story_346164633.html?keyword=leadpicturestory
  11. Anyone else having trouble logging into their page today? Itdidn't recognize my password and I even had them send me a new password via email. Their system doesn't even recognize the new password.
  12. These are awesome. Thanks for the link.
  13. It's all good Hale. I think we agree on this actually.
  14. Also, these extinguishers do not last forever. Check to see what the shelf life is on these and get rid of them once they have expired. Do not take the chance. Hopefully we will nver have to use it but make sure it is fully charged and within the alloted time it is rated for. Some last only 2 years believe it or not. Other may last 5 years. Point is just check them to make sure yours is still good.
  15. Hale, That is why I asked the question rather then assume that is what you meant. Just trying to be clear. ;D Besides there are laws about such things. It is about who has right of way. A speeding boat NEVER has right of way over a boat that is not under power. Just to be clear in the event that some one here does not know this. So if a guy was in the middle of a canal and is not under power he has the right of way. Sorry, I didn't make the laws. It is to protect him and the oncoming speeding boater. Speeding boat can manuevere out of the way quicker then a boat that is not under power. What if his TM is dead? and is drifting? Speeding boater doesn't know this nor should he assume other boater should move. This is why it is ALWAYS a good idea to slow down and stop come off of plane idle past the guy and then get back on plane once you have passed this guy by. You only lose maybe 30 seconds of your time doing it.
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