Couple things...
Stretch compared to what? Braid, yes. It stretches alot compared to braid. Been using Invisx for 3 years and really havent noticed THAT much stretch to be a deal breaker.
Breaking off... again 3 years of use and can count on one hand how many fish I've broken off. None of those break offs were line failure. I meticulously set my drag correctly to ensure no break offs.
Not abrasion resistant? :-/ Just dont know what to say to that. Beating a dead horse in the last 3 threads I've posted on but an entire day of flipping buck brush with 20 lb test and landing several fish in the 4-5 lb class without retying... well I guess I'm lucky and got the correct spool in the batch.
I mean no offense to anyone, maybe I'm just the lucky one - but I wonder what other variables might be causing people to have problems when I dont. I'm particularly hard on equipment and tackle.
EDIT: FYI braid is less abrasion resistant than most fluoro lines, it's just stronger and, well, by definition - braided. So if a few braids are nicked it still retains a majority of it's strength. Don't justify braid over another line (regardless of brand) because of abrasion resistance. Now if you are speaking of stretch, then yes braid owns all other lines.