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Everything posted by Surfcaster

  1. Go to WalMart and pick through their selection at the sporting goods dept. They will work for you at the $20 level. As mentioned above, I wear sun glasses for the safety aspect also. I read an article several years ago about golfer Jack Nicklaus fly fishing in Russia. He said he always wore glasses when fishing to protect his eyes. There was a picture of Nicklaus from that trip with a hook stuck in his forehead. At Nicklaus' request, the guide yanked it out with pliers.
  2. The NFL's annual revenue is expected to be $14 Billion this year. The commissioner made $34 Million last year and apparently is worth it bringing in $14 Billion a year for the company. So I guess $25 million a year for a quarterback is about right.
  3. I think the lightning rod shock is a great rod for the money. Especially if they are on clearance. Maybe the best deal on fishing rods going.
  4. I replaced the plastic spool bushings in my 1981 Daiwa Procaster PS10 with Boca orange seal, ABEC7? bearings trying to bring this old but still good reel inline with my newer reels. I did before and after cast comparisons. What I found was that with new bearings the spool would free turn forever but casting distance was just a little farther than with the bushings. The difference was the casting effort; less effort, same distance. If I tried to cast with the same effort as i did with the plastic bushings, I could not get my thumb back on the spool fast enough and backlash. Now I do cast lighter weight lures better now than before but no great casting distance has been achieved with the new super speed bearings. This reel has only one spool braking system: the tension knob on the left/handle side and maybe with practice greater distance can be reached.
  5. This could be the greatest game 7 ever
  6. I'm just hoping for seven games.
  7. Blue collar, unselfish, no egos. Recipe for a championship. I am sort of pulling for the Cubs; just for history's sake. I would be ok with a Cleveland win. It will probably be the most watched series in history.
  8. A friend of my father's came fishing in our pond about 40 years ago. I was 7. When he was done fishing, he called me over and went through his tackle box and gave me a lot of his lures. Looking back, it was his unwanted stuff. But a 7 year old did not see it that way. I thought it was great. Keep your unwanted stuff on hand and when you see someone who would appreciate it, give some away.
  9. I have no problem with people asking how I did. I have no problem with people looking at (not touching) my stuff. I may ask someone how they did or glance at what they have tied on. I would never riffle through someone's boat like it was the bargain bin at Walmart and I personally have never seen anyone at a boat ramp go through someone's stuff without an invitation. Maybe the people at the OP's ramp were just over-exuberant lookers or getting ready to fish a tournament and was looking for any advantage they could get.
  10. I could play Rook or Rummy all night long. I do not gamble though.
  11. I too enjoy fishing on Jordan lake. Welcome aboard.
  12. A friend fishes the BFL as a co-angler and at the last tournament at High Rock he said almost every boat he looked in had a rod with a Whopper Plopper tied on.
  13. There is also video of him (outside the ESPN offices) chipping a golf ball into a glass of water. Probably at the same time he made the commercial for ESPN. I believe that although there are golfers with better records, Arnold Palmer is the most influential golfer in history.
  14. That you had to bounce a crankbait off something in order to trigger strikes. When I was younger I tried my best not to get hung and loose my crankbaits (and rarely caught fish). Now it seems I have be hung up on a submerged tree or digging a trench on the bottom, on every cast, in order to get a bite.
  15. Not a big Les Miles fan. I feel like he is overrated as a head coach. He has enjoyed success at LSU started by Nick Saban. Could be his last year at Baton Rouge. Crazy Texas/ND game tonight. I love college football.
  16. I may try some with my "Flying Lure" and see if it works.
  17. Might be time to buy that lottery ticket.
  18. August 1987, 18 years old. Quantum QMD 10 open face spinning reel. 6' light action Berkley lightning rod. 8lb Trilene. White crappie jig. Small bluegill hit the jig. When I swung the bluegill out of the water, the water swirled. I dropped the bluegill back in and the line slowly moved away. After what seemed like an eternity, my 8lb personal best. The hook was barely stuck in the corner of the mouth. I still have the rod and reel setup. My children use it (as well as me) and I always explain it's importance. The bass was released. I have a picture.
  19. You might remove and flush out the existing bearings and see how the reel performs. It might surprise you. I have installed upgraded spool bearings (orange seal bocas) on an old Daiwa Procaster from the early eighties and it made more of a casting effort change: Less effort, same distance. Easier to cast lighter weight also. The spool will free wheel forever but If I tried to cast as hard as I did with the old bearings, I could not get my thumb on the spool fast enough and major backlash. I like the change it made in my old reel; I believe casting distance will improve with practice, but if you are looking to gain a lot of extra distance I would not worry about changing new bearings
  20. Regarding the OP's situation of being in a position where it is a "convenient time to have to just pay the minimum" on his credit card, yes he is living above his means. I understand the idea (I may not agree with it) of if you do not borrow money you are never going to have anything, but if you are paying on a house or an automobile and you can only pay the minimum on your credit card (which is most likely used for everyday necessities) then yes, you are living above your means. I think it is sad for Americans that "borrowing money is part of life." The old saying by the old timers around here is if you want to know who really owns your land is stop paying your taxes. With a majority of the people now I think you can include stop paying the bank in that statement. I believe in my heart that when the OP gets his credit card bill, he should pay the current balance in full.
  21. If you can not pay your credit card bill off every month, you are living above your means. In my opinion you are broke. Please do not fall into the 0% interest rate for a certain time trap. You will reach July and have a balance you can not pay off. Also, make sure there is no special retroactive interest rate clause somewhere in the micro print that if you have a balance in July, you have to pay back interest. May sound crazy but credit card companies are tricky that way.
  22. I've set the hook on and fought a stump for about 20 seconds before realizing I did not have a fish.
  23. It was 1974. I was 5 and my Daddy left his Zebco 33 armed with a black worm propped against a tree at our pond. Up to this point I had only fished with live worms, hooks and corks mainly on cane poles occasionally with the Zebco. A friend of mine was at the house and we found the 33 and he wanted to fish. We took turns casting and on 4 casts we caught 4 largemouths about 1-2 pounds each. He caught 2 and I caught 2. Although I had caught bass on live bait before, this was a new exciting level of fishing.
  24. Bushmaster, DPMS, Colt, Smith & Wesson. If you are looking to drop some serious cash, Larue or WarSport. You could also build your own fairly reasonably and fairly easy; AR's are like the small block Chevrolet engine. Also when someone says AR stands for assault rifle or automatic rifle, educate them and tell them it stands for Armalite.
  25. Deep Creek Lures has some good floating worm and creature baits manufactured in NC. I like their Razor Beetle, DC 4" worm and 6" Magic finesse worm.
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