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the reel ess

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  1. the reel ess's post in What Are Your Thoughts was marked as the answer   
    People see my social media and ask how to catch bigger bass. I tell them they have to fish where bigger bass live. Location matters more than presentation, though that matters too. You can't catch a big bass that isn't there. That said, I'm about to lose access to that spot and I doubt I'll ever reach a double digit unless I move or go on vacation In Central FL, TX or CA.
    I fished for 40 plus years in a major lake and never caught a bass over 5 lbs. There simply weren't many there.
  2. the reel ess's post in Kayak vs small boat? was marked as the answer   
    Keep the boat, scrimp and save for the kayak. They're similar, but not the same thing. I'm 53 now and I'm starting to really feel the kayak in my back after a couple hours. But also, the kayak is great for places with no ramp, small waters, rivers or creeks. At least, if you buy the kayak and don't love it, you still have the boat to fall back on.
  3. the reel ess's post in Face scarf/shield was marked as the answer   
    I started wearing a neck gaiter about 6-7 years ago while fishing in direct sun. I'm usually completely covered up top and I use a high SPF sunscreen on the legs if uncovered. When places were enforcing face coverings to go in their businesses, I didn't really see the point of wearing one to and from the door and then eating and drinking and talking at the table without one. So I started wearing the neck gaiter to be a little more comfy. 
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