So, naturally, I wanted to get out and do some fishing this morning. You only get one 50th birthday, after all. I went to my favorite small lake and it started off slow. I was about 1/3 of the way around the lake and finally got a pounder under some overhanging trees with the black/blue jig and craw. About 20 minutes later I skipped the jig way under some trees. The cast was a thing of beauty, not my usual noisy entry. I started to retrieve and the bass yanked the jig back. I set the hook and the bass immediately got as entangled as it could. I had to go get it, guerilla style. I attached a pic of the jungle I had to go get it from. I could see the bass was right at the surface, pinned against limbs. I disengaged the spool and let out a little line as I paddled into the brush. I grabbed the bass and pushed back out with the paddle. I had to cut the line because there was no way I was getting that jig through all those limbs. I weighed it. 7.2 lbs. I took pics and released it. It took me 10 minutes to get my jig retied because the eye on this Seibert jig is tiny! The fish had wrecked my 20# mono leader. And my hands were unsteady.
I paddled on around for about 30 minutes and caught another nice fish on a Chug Bug. 5.4 lbs. And this fish didn't suck the bait in like most big bass do with towaters. It annihilated my Bug with a huge splash. It was a better fight than the 7 pounder because it was on a treble lure (looser drag) and out in the open. I ended up with another 2 pounder on the frog and several 1 pounders on a finesse C rig with a small lizard and spinnerbait, 7 fish total. It was a great morning.
Happy Birthday to Me!