High end bass boats cost about $20K more than a decade ago. Kayak fishing has grown exponentially in that time. I think there has been some good innovation in topwater lures. I'm thinking specifically about lures like the Whopper Plopper and hollow body frog. Braided line has become more popular for more techniques with many more varieties available. The standard BC reel gear ratio has pretty much become 7 to 7.5:1. I rarely use a reel under 7:1 anymore. When I do it's just because I want to catch a bass on my dad's old stuff.
I remember when I was a kid there was a local who won or placed well in most tournaments on our lake. He anchored almost everywhere he fished. He would anchor shallow and fish deeper. Mostly, he used T rigged worms and crankbaits. And he had a 16' aluminum V bottom Bass Tracker. He also made his own fish attractors. He was rumored to have thrown out old, gutted appliances. Artificial reefs, in a sense. Indeed, you could see something on the bottom with your graph most places he fished. Actually, most of the good fishing spots I knew, I knew because I saw him on them.