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the reel ess

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Everything posted by the reel ess

  1. So obviously you use their BC reels too. Which models? Are they of the same quality? Is there one model that is a particularly great deal?
  2. I remember when I was a kid a couple years I started baseball. I wasn't very good. And that was a time my dad wanted to spend weekends at the lake we had a house on. Well, I eventually quit baseball because I wasn't helping the team at all. My dad would usually not want me to quit something I started, but that was just fine with him this time. If I had stuck with baseball it would have eventually ended for me, and pretty soon.But I started a lifelong love affair with fishing that still continues to this day, stronger than ever. The same happened with my daughter. She played tee-ball and softball until it came time for her to move to the infield and take a leadership role. That's when she decided it was not for her and that was just OK.
  3. I've often said there's nothing that could make me live in CA, but after seeing those, I have to reconsider.
  4. Do you work on a golf course. I considered that when I was young to try to get to the water hazards to fish. But my local course had enough community service to stay in workers. They had a waiting list.
  5. I just did the Magic 8 Ball method on my daughter's toy and it said "Yes, Definitely"
  6. How many of you feel you lost one because you tried to lip it but still won't use a net out of principle?
  7. You can lock it or delete if you like. I was just feeling that I needed to vent in a non-political, anonymous environment because the rhetoric in SC was getting over the top.
  8. Those are the places I most want to go. I want to be ALONE and have no competition when I fish. I like ignorant fish that have never seen a lure. They're hungry and willing.
  9. If you find bass, white bass or stripers schooling they could be in 100' of water as long as they're at the surface actively chasing bait. Otherwise, generally shallow (0-8ish feet deep) low light periods of the day. Or all day if overcast.
  10. Well, according to Wiki it was to improve accuracy of Union troops as they were inferior to the average Confederate soldier. If that's not the case, I want to know.
  11. I have seen, but have not confirmed, that the young man bought his own weapon with money he was given for his birthday, lied on the background check application and it was not caught by State Law Enforcement Division. He had a record with at least 2 drug offenses and one trespassing with notice at a local mall. Also, he had no concealed carry permit. People who have a concealed carry permit in SC have been fingerprinted and had their backgrounds checked and approved by their county sheriff. It takes 90 days min and they really do the check.
  12. I haven't noticed this with my Trion. But I bought a bigger one. I have another old BPS Viper Christmastime sale promo combo ($70) that I keep thinking has to wear out soon, but it won't. When it does, I'll head on over to Cabela's and get a Trion and one of their brand rods. I think of how much equipment I've paid too much for that was worn out after a season. Pfleuger has their act together for spinning.
  13. Yes, it's about 8# mono diameter. There's the good tradeoff. You get zero stretch and the castability of a much thinner line. I use it to cast weightless Trick Worms, wacky rig & light treble lures like floating minnows. It's good for all the things in spinning that baitcasters aren't. I use it on a medium/mod fast 7' rod for the trebles and a MH 7' for the T-rigs. It is visible though. If that bothers you, you can use a leader. I don't. It doesn't seem to bother fish. That's more of a fishermen issue when you fish stained water like we have here.
  14. I've been fortunate. I lost a lot of bigger ones when I was young because my tackle was inferior. My dad didn't believe in spending real money on fishing. But most of my biggest hookups I landed. I'm still looking for the monster wall hanger though. I won't keep it for a trophy though. Just a pic and to weigh it.
  15. I'm sorry. I lost my mom 3 years go. You only get one. I just sent a prayer up for you and your situation.
  16. If it's anything like the Trion, which I think it is but lighter, you're gonna love it. I've been using that reel this whole year without the first loop in the line. It really likes Fireline 20#. The drag is super smooth too. If I may make a suggestion, I don't think I'd get larger than the 30 size. And if you just want to save $20, the Trion is a very good reel for the dough as well. Maybe the best $40 I've ever spent on fishing.
  17. "FireLine is a pre-waxed and braided cord made of highly durable material. It has been noted by many as the strongest fiber per diameter ever created." I can see daylight between those "fused" filaments. That whole fused thing is smokescreen by Berkley. It's braid and it's darn good stuff, rounder than the others. I like it so much I'll probably switch one of my BC combos over to 30#, although Berkley says it's great for spinning, suitable for BC.
  18. I'm married to a teacher so I see this all the time from the educators' POV. Over and over, when parents get a call from the school they come down ready to tear the principal and teachers a new one. Sometimes they change their tune after learning what their little angel is capable of and sometimes they simply get completely ignorant about the entire situation, refusing to admit any fault. I'm trying really hard to teach my daughter to take responsibility for her own actions. These parent who try to be their children's best friend are ruining their kids. They won't know how to function as adults.
  19. The problem I see with that is this is a country moving away from individual liberties in the name of public safety (which won't work), handouts and entitlements. I am activist for freedom and liberty. But when every tragedy is used to attack the very second right enumerated in the Bill of Rights, I'm afraid our activism in this country is headed in the wrong direction.
  20. Yeah, fishing is my outlet for everything. When you're on the water nothing else can bother you. Nothing matters except fishing. I've tried to explain how I feel about fishing to my wife and others who simply don't get it. They can't unplug themselves for hours like that. My wife asked me if I missed her and my daughter (if she doesn't go) when I'm fishing a long time and I have to say no, I don't miss anybody or anything. I can fish for 4 hours without a bite. Those hours just move me closer to the next bite. What you learn not catching is as useful as catching. The small ones just move me closer to a big one. When I feel that fish on the other end, I can forget EVERYTHING ELSE for a brief period of time. Man, what would I do if I didn't fish?
  21. Man, I wish we could ahve a cold front. We did get storms alst night and it lowered the tem 22 degrees. But it's right back to the high 90's today. Good deal on the jig. Practice-practice-practice. I need to do the same.
  22. The first time I used Fireline it had a coating on it that wore off in maybe 30 min. It was a little stiff, but I was still able to cast a weightless trick worm. Why may I ask did you choose that pound test? The coolest thing about braid is that you can get by with 20 lb test and have the diameter of 8#. It could be that your line is digging into itself on the spool or just sticking together. Most braids are flat and won't sit on the spool as well as mono. Fireline is rounder than other braids. If you go with 20# test it will lay on the spool and not dig in. When I tried Spiderwire (years ago) on a BC combo it was always digging into the spool. If I had to drag in a limb or even a fish, the next cast was no good. I trashed a whole spool of it and didn't go back to Fireline for a decade. Now I get much better casting distance out of heavier brad than I would even 10# mono. Tie on a 1/2 oz Rat-L-Trap and cast that bad boy for 20 min. That should loosen up that line.
  23. I think the standard is 1/4 oz. The mag is 1/2. Of course it flies out there. But then there are times the bait is small and the fish aren't just busting everything in the water. At those times the 1/4 will do the job more consistently. I wouldn't throw the 1/8 unless I was in a creek where I know there are no big fish. Bream will bite the tiny ones and always seem (to me) to get all three treble hooks embedded so badly it closes their mouth. Then you have to do surgery on a fish you don't want to keep.
  24. The world seems to be going to hell in a hand basket. What will it come to? Are we Balkanizing America? Will there be a United States of White America, Black America, Hispanic America, etc.? I live in SC. I hate this for the families impacted and for our state. We always seem to be in the news in a negative way and the state is literally full of good and decent people. I just wanted to get that out in a forum where people wouldn't jump down my throat for saying it.All I want to do is just go fishing. Maybe everyone should take up the hobby to fill their empty hours.
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