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the reel ess

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Everything posted by the reel ess

  1. The only place I ever fished that was overrun with frogs didn't seem to have any bass in it. I didn't even see minnows and it was summer, so I split.
  2. I've not been successful with it yet. I have the 90 in monkeybutt and 110 in bone. I started out throwing the 110 yesterday morning. I got about 1/3 the way around a 20 acre reservoir and switched over to a Pop R on that rod and got a bite on the next cast. Ended up with 5 on the Pop R, including a 5.2 lb. The bites subsided by 9:00 and they were all in shaded areas. I'm a topwater junkie so I'm always trying one of them, even in full sun. Sometimes I'll go with 3 or 4 tied on, intent on catching something on the top. The Pop R standard size has been the hot one for me this summer. And it's just so easy to use. Do you y'all have most success with a steady retrieve? That seems to be what people are doing in YT videos.
  3. Man, sometimes I get a reaction bite when the frog hits the surface. Go to small pond with lilies around the edge. You'll get some takers then. It's my experience that the larger the body of water, the less likely you are to find fish with a frog. I know some will disagree with that but it's just one person's anecdotal experience. They just don't seem to be looking up for a meal as much in bigger lakes. But they'll still be there at the right times. Find docks with weeds and walk that frog all around them. Anywhere that the pads intersect with other cover or structure is prime real estate. If you see a bass go after some bait in the pads, throw that frog right at the spot. You want to get its attention because it's looking for food and isn't shy.
  4. Just paint it black. Cheap fix. I see a popper and I want to paint it black...
  5. Some say braid is not very resistant to rock abrasion. I haven't noticed since I usually fish smaller weedy waters. I did snap off a leader once, but I feel certain that was my fault for tying it poorly.
  6. 1. Yes, some TV shows and many YT videos are on private, and even trophy bass waters. 2. I don't think many are made with fish caught beforehand. But they might wear the same clothes for a week so it appears they caught them all in the same day. I'm pretty sure some TV shows are edited that way. If you really pay attention you can catch subtle clues like sun angle and cloud cover. A careful editing makes them look continuous. Most YT videos aren't that deceitful.
  7. I've had people ask me for a big bass before and just let it go in front of them. I hate to see a trophy or even one in the making go for food, but there's no law against it. Now, if they're trespassing, and I've seen that too, I'll report them. Those people are the worst stewards of resources because they know they aren't even supposed to be there. They're really thieves. Here's how I look at it. If you catch a 6 lb bass, releases it and catch it later, that's two big bass, not one. No one could say it's the same bass. But it could be. On the other hand, smaller bass make good fried fillets.
  8. I have a friend who was cracked open and had some rather intense heart procedure. He was back to pretty normal after a couple months. I would see him walking for exercise less than 2 months later and I know he fishes. I see his FB pics. Prayers for a speedy recovery for your "friend". God bless.
  9. I think the popping Pad Crasher walks more easily than the regular frog design. And it attracts attention better on a mat. I usually have it tied on. I'm sure there are times when you're supposed to use either, but I just have more confidence in the popper. I just trim the legs the same length of the body, no more and not uneven. It's pretty easy to walk.
  10. A lot of times there will be schooling bass or other species around chasing bait but there's so much bait you don't stand a chance. If they persist sometimes I'll use a Pop R to get their attention, but the action has to be pretty sustained. You just about need to be looking their direction and cast as soon as they bust the surface. If you get the chance to do this, be loud with the popper. And they'll usually be dinks, but sometimes they're white bass, white perch or stripers.
  11. I transport a 12' kayak in my extended cab Silverado just fine. If not going far, I just put a strap across the kayak thru the side handles and hooked to the two eyes in the rear of the truck bed. If going far, I'll use another strap across the front thru the front handle, hooked to the front eyes. I've even transported a 14' jon boat in the bed of my truck. Just tie a red rag (flag) on the end that's hanging off the tailgate. My kayak is bright red so it's not really necessary.
  12. Specifically, I like topwater because it's a challenge to get bass to take a lure on top and it's the most exciting bite you can get. But, generally, I like to cast and retrieve, no matter the species. I jut don't like trolling or using a bobber with live bait unless there's just no other way to catch fish. And that's why I prefer bass fishing.
  13. I didn't even think you could see that word on this site. My favorite is a War Eagle, 3/8 oz., double gold willow leaf, gold shiner color. It works in places that have no gold baitfish. Ad ALWAYS with the trailer hook. I catch a bunch of fish by the trailer that I wouldn't have even known were striking short otherwise. Just imagine you caught your PB by the trailer. Would that matter to you?
  14. I tried braid on a baitcaster when I was younger without the benefit of the InterWebs to tell me all about it. I didn't like it one bit. Now that I'm used to it, I can't imagine not using it. It helps greatly with hooksets and covers a lot of deficiencies and all but eliminates line twist if you handle the reel correctly as mentioned above. I wouldn't go back if you paid me. Even so, if he'll be fishing for bass, I'd still probably start him on mono until he has the hang of it. It's a lot easier and cheaper to cut mono tangles out and even respool than it is with braid.
  15. I was stubborn about that purple worm myself until I started fishing other places and found that color preference by the fish was mainly a location thing. I don't know if that's due to forage, water clarity, quality or what. But when you go to your buddy's regular place and he says "use this color", you use that color.
  16. Remove all bass you can catch except for the largest and feed the bream regularly in the spring/summer so they'll make more babies to eat. That's really about all you can do on your own. Beyond that, contact a pond management specialist. Every pond is different. They could have ideas no one here has. To tell you the truth, having 2-3 lb bass in a pond is not that bad. I go to one that has very few over a pound. Probably the biggest bass I've caught there in a decade was 2 lb. and we keep them all. Yours may not be out of balance as badly as you think.
  17. My dad only wanted to fish a T-rigged 6" purple worm. EVER. The last time we ever fished together I handed him a spinning rod with a weightless Trick Worm and he caught fish. I usually carry 6 or 7 combos in the truck "just in case". But most of the time I catch all the fish on two rods (or less). It's not that I think I need 7 rods to catch a few dink bass. But they're specialized for techniques and I will catch more over time having those rigged and ready when conditions warrant. I know that I'm more addicted to buying the equipment to catch bass than actually catching the bass. Every lure that I look at, I imagine myself simply slaying them with it next time out. Usually, what happens is the opposite and I put the bait back in the box for another try at a later date. On the other hand, I went cheaper on the boat by getting a kayak. So there's that.
  18. This is about as cheap as I'd go on a BC reel. https://www.academy.com/shop/pdp/h2o-xpress™-mettle-mt2-baitcast-reel-right-handed#repChildCatid=903506 I really wouldn't feel comfy with a $60 reel, so I went here instead. And I have some $130 Lew's reels. They're a bargain at that price. https://www.academy.com/shop/pdp/h2o-xpress-tac-40-baitcast-reel#repChildCatid=3918504 I know $100 ain't peanuts, but if you get the el cheapo and have to replace it next season, you'll probably spend more. Spend a little more now, less later. Avoid the graphite or composite frames (I know some will argue-they're wrong, LOL) and plastic gears. You'll end up with a lighter, better performing reel for years to come. A cheap reel won't break on a 2 pounder. It'' break on a possible PB.
  19. If you aren't fishing very clear water, you can use a mono leader or straight braid. I put on a backing of cheap 15# mono, then I finish off with Power Pro braid. I use 50# braid on the frog combo and 30# with a 15# mono leader, tied with a surgeon's knot on the worm/jig combo. of course I could use straight mono and avoid an extra knot, but I love the no-stretch factor of the braid and the small diameter-to-lb. test ratio. I retie the leader every couple trips because it's Big Game, a good line when new, but it tends to get frayed easily. Hey you can buy 900 yds of it cheaper than one refill of most premium mono/copolymers. I've been using this spool for about 4 years. I still use Big Game 15# mono on my trebles and spinner/buzzbait rods. I went to braid on both my spinning combos because it all but eliminates line twist. I just use a mono leader when I feel it's necessary.
  20. They like a slower tip as well. Rods are stiffer than they were years ago when that bait was more popular.
  21. I use them most trips to my bud's pond because he has good size bluegill and it seems to cull the small ones. To that end, I use a 1/4 oz. Rooster Tail. I had one that was rainbow trout/gold blade that just slayed the bream and bass, but i cast it once and the 6 lb. test broke and it just kept flying. I replaced it with a white/silver and it doesn't seem to work as well. I've started adding a quality swivel to help with line twist.
  22. Oh, I see. The black ones we call fox squirrels around here and they shun people like the plague. It is rare to spot one and most have a little white on the body.
  23. Wow! I can't imagine that. It's the most plentiful game animal we have here. If society ever crumbles you could easily live off squirrels here.
  24. I forgot the 14' canoe. It's how I came to realize I needed a kayak.
  25. I was the same. I wore my dad out. He got where he let me run the boat and he sat back. Then he got where he sat in the back of my boat. Then he got where he didn't want to go anymore. He was getting into his late 60's then. I did get him to go to a family friend's pond and walk the bank a little about 8 months before he passed away unexpectedly. And he caught some! Then he got tired and went to sit on my tailgate and talk to our friend while I fished. I'm really glad we did that one more time.
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